NIGERIAN TECHNICAL AID CORPS JOBS – WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW. The Directorate of Technical Aid Corps is a parastatal under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. At all times this agency invites applications for recruiting volunteers for jobs/services which are in most cases carried out outside the shores of Nigeria.
You might be interest in these jobs without knowing fully what it entails. I have taken time to put down in this article certain things that are contained in the Act establishing the Corps which I think you should know about this directorate.
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Table of Contents
In the first place, the Nigerian technical Aid Corps was established in 1987 with an Act which reads:
“An Act to establish the Nigerian Technical Aid Corps, among other things, to share Nigeria’s know-how and expertise with other African, Caribbean and Pacific countries and matters connected therewith” with commencement date as 1st October, 1987.
“There is hereby established a Corps to be known as the Nigerian Technical Aid Corps (in this Act referred to “the Corps”). (2) The Corps shall consist of such member of volunteers as may from time to time, be recruited under the provisions of this Act”.
Objectives of the Corps
The objectives of the Corps as contained in the Act are to—
(a) share Nigeria’s know-how and expertise with other African, Caribbean and Pacific countries (in this Act referred to as “recipient countries”);
(b) give assistance on the basis of the assessed and perceived needs of the recipient countries;
(c) promote cooperation and understanding between Nigeria and the recipient countries; and
(d) facilitate meaningful contacts between the youths of Nigeria and those of the recipient countries.
Mode Of Operation:
Experienced Nigerian professionals and experts are recruited to serve under this Scheme:
- as “Volunteers”
- for a period of two years.
- The professionals must be holders of university degrees or its equivalent with a minimum of three years post qualification experience.
- Volunteers are recruited strictly on the basis of specific reqjuests from the ACP Countries.
- The Scheme is intended for Nigerian professionals willing to serve abroad alone without their families.
Responsibilities of The Federal Government To The Volunteers.
The Nigerian government is responsible for the following:
– Payment of onshore and offshore allowances to the Volunteers.
– Payment of resettlement allowance.
– provsion of return passages to Volunteers. Voluntgeers re however not entitled to baggage allowance
– Limited fringe benefits such as leave grants.
– In the event of the death of a nuclear family member such as Parents, Spouse or of-spring of a Volunteer, the Government shall be responsible for the passage of the Volunteer from his or her post to Nigeria and back, strictly subject to the prior approval of the Directorate. In line with the practice of the Directorate, it shall as of necessity be represented as the funeral of the deceased.
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Responsibilities of Recipient Country To The Volunteers.
– Provision of reasonably furnished accormodation.
– Payment of utilities such as water, electricity and gas.
– Provision of free medical services.
– Provision of transportation where applicable.
– The recipient country shall freely deploy each volunteers to any part of the country at his own expense. It is pertinent to note that the internal deployment of volunteers is the sole responsibility of host State.
– The recipient country shall grant the volunteer exemption for payment of local income tax. It shall accord to the vounteers “First arrived privilages” which grants excemption from all taxes imposed by raising of important of personal effect used of Volunteer with (12) twelve months of their arrival or as it is applicable in a perticular country. personal effects may be defined as household goods nd articles such as a motor vehicle, airconditioners, refrigerators, washing machines and other electronic gadgets which must accompany the vounteers or be imported within twelve (12) months of arrival in their respective recipient countries.
– Local sales of such items shall however be made only with the former conscent of the appropriate host authority nd shall be liable to import duties, if sold to person not entitled to similar privilage.
Source: Directorate Technical Aid Corps.
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And Finally – The Responsibilities of the Volunteers:
– To be good ambassadors of Nigeria
– To Carry out their jobs diligently
– And, to take proper personal care of themselves
– To ensure they return home healthy and alive.
– You can add more.
Finally, NTAC jobs are volunteer jobs. Please do apply accordingly. Good luck.

Deacon Anekperechi Nworgu, a seasoned economist who transitioned into a chartered accountant, auditor, tax practitioner, and business consultant, brings with him a wealth of industry expertise spanning over 37 years.