The Basics of Entrepreneurship Training for Nigerian Youth defines the Basics of Business-Social Responsibility and Problem Solving for Youths. In fact, young students have the basics of entrepreneurship in classrooms. As a matter offact, the theme of entrepreneurship has been at the centre of business discussions in recent years and has also become an issue in schools, reaching children and young people.

In actual fact, it is increasingly necessary to include entrepreneurial education in the school routine and in extracurricular activities. That will enable teaching young people the basics of business, social responsibility and problem solving.
The Brazilian Model for Basics of Entrepreneurship Training for Nigerian Youth
Table of Contents
As a matter of fact, the Brazilian Micro and Small Business Support Service (Sebrae) was held in Salvador. The programmes is aimed at training 500 teachers from the state public system to teach entrepreneurship. In Nigeria, entrepreneurship is a study course now in the universities.
However, the Brazilian model is aimed at the training at high school, with students from 15 years old, and aims to reach around 50 thousand students, who will have 22 classes on topics such as:
- Creativity and innovation,
- Young people in the job market and
- How to identify opportunities.
The content are to be inserted in regular classes.
The AGSMEIS NIRSAL MFBank and CBN Loan programmes
Furthermore, in recent time, due to AGSMEIS NIRSAL MFBank and CBN Loan programmes, SMEDAN has stepped up its entrepreneurship development training exercises in several centres across Nigeria. We are happy to partner with SMEDAN in this exercise.
Furthermore, for the Brazilian model, the action also includes a field activity. Here students follow the daily life of a real company, in addition to an entrepreneurship fair.
Basics of Entrepreneurship Training for Nigerian Youth
For Márcia Suede, manager of the Despertar pelo Sebrae project, teaching entrepreneurship is important. For him, this is not only to encourage students to create their own business in the future but also to teach about social responsibility. “It is possible to undertake in your own professional career or develop a view to change reality, helping family, school and community”, he explains.
Nigerian Youth:
In fact, for us in Nigeria, the social responsibility concept is very important for our youth. Social responsibility means that individuals and companies have a duty to act in the best interests of their environment and society as a whole. Social responsibility, as it applies to business, is known as corporate social responsibility (CSR). Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), therefore, is a form of self-regulation, conscious attempts and self-efforts undertaken by organisations for self-preservation and enhancement of their operations. As a matter of fact, when a youth grows up with this idea of duty to the society inside of him or her, the society becomes a better place for all.
In Continuation:
For the Brizilian, in the content of the classes are questions that involve:
- citizenship,
- recognition of the students’ own qualities and talents and
- the identification of problems on a daily basis,
- encouraging social entrepreneurship.
“Students will work on their role as agents that transform society, awakening to the problems of their community. They may want to participate in associations of residents and plead for better health services, housing, transportation ”, says Ney Campello, superintendent of the Secretary of Education of the State of Bahia. The secretariat intends to make entrepreneurship part of the mandatory curriculum of state schools.
Brazilian Model for Basics of Entrepreneurship Training for Nigerian Youth
As a matter of fact, he also recalls that the experience in entrepreneurship and social responsibility projects has attracted the attention of company recruiters, who see the experience as a positive point in the curriculum.
“Today, many companies already seek to know about this in the selection processes, and this often ends up being a tiebreaker criterion in hiring”.
Furthermore, Professor Simone Mascarenhas, who teaches high school classes at the Colégio Estadual de Cachoeira and the Bahia Evening Education Center (Ceneb-Cachoeira), is taking part in Sebrae’s training classes. At Ceneb there have already been changes in the curriculum to include teaching entrepreneurship. Each series now has a guiding theme, such as “Employment and Income Generation”, in the case of the 2nd year, and the teachers are working on notions of entrepreneurship, planning, work activity and life projects with students.
Close to reality
“Many of the night students already work, so it is a teaching closer to their reality. They learn how to undertake in daily life”, says the teacher. In the classroom, Simone brings activities such as;
- creating a business plan with students and
- research and seminars on professions and
- business activities.
Lucas Fonseca had contact with entrepreneurship for the first time in the second year of high school. He participated in the Mini Empresa program, of the non-profit organization Junior Achievement Bahia, where he and his classmates had to create their own company, sell a real product and compete with mini-companies from other schools.
Live Experiences
However, after the experience, Lucas continued to be part of the world of entrepreneurship. He was president of EletroJr, a junior electrical engineering company at Ufba. He also was a volunteer at Junior Achievement and today he is opening his own consulting company, Ásense Impulsadora de Negócios, with four partners. .
“I didn’t expect it to involve me in such a deep way, but today I believe a lot in the entrepreneurial movement and I want to help other people to do business”, says Lucas.
Basics of Entrepreneurship Training for Nigerian Youth
Secondly, Junior Achievement’s vice president, Bruno Galba, believes that entrepreneurship training is an important baggage for any student. “To be able to grow in your career, young people need this preparation. We are in a difficult situation, with little job offer, and we need to be creative and create alternatives”, he says.
The organization works with 27 programs for entrepreneurship, financial education and preparation for the job market, and last year reached 3,110 high school students from public and private schools.
Furthermore, you are sure to be certain what enterpreneurship teaches? Here are some of them.
- Who I am – The program includes teaching students to identify their skills and talents and how they can be applied to achieve their reality
- Companies – Students learn how a company works. What are the steps to create a business and what are the obligations of the entrepreneur?
- Opportunities – One of the objectives of teaching entrepreneurship is to develop the student’s view to identify business opportunities. The instinct for noticing problems and demands for services and think about solutions. This includes notions about citizenship and social responsibility
Basics of Entrepreneurship Training for Nigerian Youth
4. Planning – Financial education, project management and how to manage time are necessary knowledge for entrepreneurship. The youth learn how to assess the viability of an idea, who its target audience is and how to present their project.
Related topics are added advantages for you. Click on them for more reading exercise.
- The basic elements of e-commerce.
- 6 factors that will make your start-up grow above average.
- Business plan for business growth.
- Business Plan Model for Micro finance Loan.
If you are through with the above illustrations, get to the next paragraph and make a decision on what to do.

An exclusive entrepreneurship coaching hall that matters.
Business Coaching or Entrepreneurship Coaching:
Finally, this is the summary of this post. Do you want to be an entrepreneur? Do you want to be coached for entrepreneurship?
Our Entrepreneurship Development Training Centre will help you achieve these. We partner with SMEDAN in Nigeria to do this. You can get trained today. Contact us via +234 8034347851 or [email protected]

Deacon Anekperechi Nworgu, a seasoned economist who transitioned into a chartered accountant, auditor, tax practitioner, and business consultant, brings with him a wealth of industry expertise spanning over 37 years.