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The issue on whistleblowing:
ETHICAL ISSUES IN WHISTLE-BLOWING – The issue regarding whistleblowing is whether it is a valid method to control unethical behaviour and to establish a level of social responsibility. There are two schools of thought here. Some think of whistleblowing as a good way to control unethical behaviour.
In fact, this school of thought believe that a framework within the organization to encourage internal whistleblowing is necessary. For them it establishes a level of responsibility, which includes the setting up of telephone hotlines, suggestion boxes, arbitration, internal organisational development consultations, employee assistance program (EAPs), arbitration and an in-house panel ). They refer to the International Business Machines Corporation (IBM) as an example. IBM receives up to 18,000 letters from workers making confidential complaints under a “Speak Up” program in one year, although, of course, not all complaints involve wrongdoing.
Again, it is believe that the internal whistleblowers can help organizations avoid wrongdoing in organizations. Some elements of this school suggest that the internal whistle blower complaints should report directly to a chief manager who can report them directly to the highest levels of management. It can avoid organizations getting into trouble.
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However, the other school of thought believe that whistleblowing is not a valid method to control unethical behaviour and to establish a level of social responsibility, which means that whistleblowing is not so useful as some people’s thought. Perhaps there are few victories for whistleblowers, because there are some problems in the formal channels. However, many whistleblowers experience that the formal system does work after all.
The reasons for this are categorical. Appeal bodies are part of the wider system of power and usually seek or reach accommodation with other powerful groups. Hence such bodies are highly unlikely to support a single individual against elites from a major organization, who usually have links with elites in some other places. Sometimes appeal bodies have a crusading spirit, but these ones usually are lacking in funds or come under attack themselves. Nevertheless, if some whistleblowers can survive in the process, they are typically attacked personally and often have their careers destroyed.

However, even very few more successful whistleblowers may obtain some related compensation, such as a monetary pay-off as part of a court settlement. But has the organization changed at all? In some cases new policies are introduced, but in others the situation even get worse than before, since the harsh treatment of whistleblowers sends a potent message to other potential dissidents about what might happen to them should they release information relating to the firm. A lone whistleblower that is ruthlessly squashed may leave a corrupt organization less open to change than before. Policies occasionally may change as a result of whistleblowing, but not systems of hierarchy, division of labour, profit motive, patriarchy and the like.
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For the whistleblowers that speak out have no interest in changing the structures of organizations at the beginning. They speak out just to deal with a particular problem within the existing structures. For the same reason, they typically pursue their cases through formal channels. It is only by making a social analysis of the roots of social problems that the idea of changing structures can arise. Even the whistleblowers who change the organizations’ structures do so only because the process blowing whistles progressed without the organizations’ control.
Even though there are so few successful whistleblowers, the problem is not because of the whistleblowing itself, but the wrong process and the low efficiency of formal channels. In order to institute reporting procedures or implement problem-solving policies, an internal communication audit is recommended. An audit is defined as a process of exploring, examining, monitoring, or evaluating something.
A communication audit focuses on communicative practices within the organization such as wastefulness and malpractice . An internal communication audit will give the organization insight into the quality and quantity of the present internal communication channels, which are essential to increase the changes for internal whistle blowing. The audit, which is usually conducted under the aegis of the public relations department, will also discover factors that obstruct or limit the use of internal communication channels. The results of the audit can function as a starting point to encourage internal whistle blowing and management of identified problems, which should form part of an issues management plan.
It is suggested that the system should identify clear and prepare correct communication channels and identify those to whom whistleblowers should report, the company needs to establish a code of ethics and policies and develop procedures regarding the desired actions which the organization should take after internal reporting. Everyone in the organization must understand what types of activities are considered wrong and what he or she should do when it is happened .
The whistleblowing can control unethical actions in some ways, especially the internal whistleblowing. However, we should not think it so useful in every aspects of ethic. It can control unethical behaviour and to establish a level of social responsibility in some degrees, however, it should not be taken as the only valid method to control unethical behaviour and to establish a level of social responsibility.
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Deacon Anekperechi Nworgu, a seasoned economist who transitioned into a chartered accountant, auditor, tax practitioner, and business consultant, brings with him a wealth of industry expertise spanning over 37 years.