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In this post are verified regularly repeated Geography Objective and theory questions and answers for 2018 May/June SSCE exam that holds on 6/4/2018. Get them in your finger tips and you are sure of a high grade in this exams. 2018 WAEC SSCE Geography Questions/Objectives & Theory Questions On Geography 2018.
The West African Examinations Council (WAEC) is the West African countries Examination Body. It conducts the West African Senior School Certificate Examination for in-house school students and General Certificate Examination for private candidates in West African Countries. These are entry qualification examinations for higher education institutions in these countries.
As a matter of fact, no University, Polytechnic, or college of education in these countries would admit you into any of their courses without a good grade in any of these examinations. That is why over three million candidates register and take these subject exams annually.
Consequently, on 2018 WAEC SSCE Geography Questions/Objectives & Theory Questions On Geography 2018, our goal is to help you achieve this your life dream. Listed here are Geography questions and answers relevant to 6/4/2018 Geography objectives and theory questions.

2018 WAEC SSCE Geography Questions/Objectives & Theory Questions On Geography 2018
Table of Contents
1.Which of the following phenomena is not directly related to the revolution of the earth?
A. seasonal changes
B. varrying duration of sunshine hours
C. unequal solar radiation on the earth’s surface
D. night and day
E. the tropics
2.Which pair of activities would you NOT find in an equatorial climate?
1. commercial grain farming. 2. rice cultivation. 3. lumbering. 4. plantation agriculture. 5. dry farming
A. 1 and 2
B. 2 and 5
C. 3 and 4
D. 1 and 5
E. 2 and 3
3.Inter-regional trade between countries in West Africa is promoted mainly by
A. relationship with former colonial rulers
B. production of similar goods
C. deliberate government policies in recent times
D. competition among the nations in Africa
E. frequent changes in government of different countries
4.Which statement is NOT true of the middle belt in Nigeria?
A. the soil is not productive
B. the population is sparse
C. there are insect pests and disease carriers
D. mineral resources can be found there
E. none of the above
5.Which of the following zones is the least industrialized in Nigeria?
A. Lokoja-Ajaokuta
B. Lagos-Ikeja
C. Port harcourt-Aba
D. Kaduna-Zaria
E. Abeokuta-Ibadan
2018 WAEC SSCE Geography Questions/Objectives & Theory Questions On Geography 2018
6.Which purpose is NOT served by the Kainji Dam?
A. provision of research facilities
B. provision of water of domestic use all over Nigeria
C. provision of fishing facilities
D. generation of electricity for use all over Nigeria
E. provision of recreational facilities
7.What is the Nile valley best known for?
A. Industrial development
B. Water navigation
C. Commerce
D. Development
E. Hydro-electricity
8.Which is not exported by the Republic of South Africa?
A. Wines
B. Maize
C. Wool
D. Coffee
E. Wheat
9.Name the most important industrial mineral of Ghana
A. Diamond
B. Bauxite
C. Manganese
D. Gold
E. Aluminium
10. Which of the following factors least explains the fast growing population in Africa?
A. control of diseases
B. decline in death rate
C. the education of women
D. improvement in transportation
E. provision of more hospitals
11. If a map at a scale of 1:50,000 is reduced by half, what is the new scale of the map?
A. 1:250,000
B. 1:25,000
C. 1:200,000
D. 1:100,000
E. 1:125,000
12. Which of the following most accurately describe the climate of coast lands which are adjacent to cool ocean currents?
A. summer rain, winter drought
B. winter rain, summer drought
C. rain all the year round
D. monsoon rainfall pattern
E. aridity
13. How were the major mountain belts of the world produced?
A. By wind erosion
B. By Folding
C. By glacial erosion
D. By weathering
E. By river deposition
14.Which of the following factors must account for the rapid increase in world population during the twentieth century?
A. The slave trade was abolished
B. Death rates have decreased rapidly
C. Birth rates have increased rapidly
D. Increasing world production of food
E. Large-scale migration of people
15.What does subsistence agriculture mean?
A. Intensive agriculture
B. Extensive agriculture
C. Agricultural production for cash
D. Agricultural production for export
E. Agricultural production for household consumption

2018 WAEC SSCE Geography Questions/Objectives & Theory Questions On Geography 2018
16.The period when the earth is furthest from the sun is
A. aphelion
B. summer
C. perihelion
D. spring
17. A traveller crossing the international Date Line from America to Asia at 12 midnight on Sunday, would have to change his watch to 12 midnight on
A. Sunday
B. Monday
C. Tuesday
D. Saturday
18. Lakes formed as a result of landslides, screes or avalanches are known as
A. man-made lakes
B. barrier lakes
C. caldera lakes
D. rock-hollow lakes
19. In many areas, limestone rocks are resistant to water erosion on their surfaces and form uplands because of their
A. coarse and resistant minerals
B. low porosity and permeability
C. dense and amorphous structure
D. joints and pervious nature
20. Fluid, basic lava flow is likely to give rise to a volcanic
A. dome
B. cinder cone
C. shield
D. saddle reef
2018 WAEC SSCE Geography Questions/Objectives & Theory Questions On Geography 2018
1ai) Migration is the movement of people from one geographical location to another either for permanent or temporary stay. 1aii) rural-urban migration, Rural-rural migration, urban-rural migration, seasonal migration (1bi) natural disasters ii) changes in status iii)differences in social amenities iv) insecurity.
1ci)provision of basic infrastructural facilities in the rural areas. ii) establishment of industries in rural areas. iii) provision of adequate security for lives and properties.
(2a) urbanization refers to the growth of towns especially in terms of human population and physical size. Urbanization develops as a result of increasing number of people coming into a town coupled with proportionate increase in the physical size of the town.
(2bi)is relatively large, densely populated with socially heterogeneous people who do not know one another very well. (ii) they usually have nucleated settlements. (iii) they show impersonal or individualistic behaviour (iv)They are usually well built-up areas
2018 WAEC SSCE Geography Questions/Objectives & Theory Questions On Geography 2018
(3a.i)Mining due to the presence of coal. (ii)farming. (iii)trading. (iv)rendering of services.
(3ci) use of proper mining methods .ii. Use of manure and fertilizers. iii. Practising of strip cropping across the slopes.
(3cii) (i) soil erosion is a problem prevalent in the area (ii)inadequate rural water supply is also a major problem in the area (iii)the mass exodus
(4a) The climate is favourable for the cultivation of cash crop because it has adequate rainfall 1. the soil is fertile especially the volcanic soil in east Africa . 2. there is presence of large market to consume the produce. 3. availability of good transport network like road rail and water
(4b) problem of inadequate capital to run the plantation effectively 2 it lead to reduction of land for town development.
(4ci)provision of credit facilities to plantation farmers. (ii)Government should make policies to encourage the acquisition of expanse of large space to be accessible. (iii)individuals to form co-operative societies to pull resources together and acquire large area of land.
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2018 WAEC SSCE Geography Questions/Objectives & Theory Questions On Geography 2018

Deacon Anekperechi Nworgu, a seasoned economist who transitioned into a chartered accountant, auditor, tax practitioner, and business consultant, brings with him a wealth of industry expertise spanning over 37 years.