Get Your Company Tax Clearance Certificate Faster Here. This is How We Help Companies Get Tax Clearance Certificates Quicker in Nigeria. As a matter of fact, there is need for company/corporate tax clearance certificates in Nigeria based on Company income tax clearance certificate in Nigeria in accordance with Nigeria’s Company Income Tax Act. Example of tax clearance certificate in Nigeria include tax clearance certificate for constructions firms, Mining companies, merchandise companies etc. In fact, detailed in this post are contents of tax clearance certificate, sample letter of application for tax clearance certificate and uses of tax clearance certificate in Nigeria. Thisis How We Help Companies Get Tax Clearance Certificates Quicker in Nigria.
Furthermore, Get Your Company Tax Clearance Certificate Faster Here gives details of tax clearance certificate requirements. Tax clearance certificate for new business and how tax clearance certificate renewal and tax clearance certificate expiring periods.
As a matter of fact, in this post you will get details about how we help you get your company tax learance easier and quicker. In addition are details of the need, importance, uses, requirements of companies tax clearance certificates. Again are how taxes are derived from company taxable incomes, and content of tax clearance certificates.
How We Help Companies Get Tax Clearance Certificates Quicker in Nigria – WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT TAX CLEARANCE CERTIFICATE (TCC)
Table of Contents
Who Needs Tax Clearance Certificate?
As a matter of fact, you need tax clearance certificate to do your business. Current TCC is one of the criteria for award of contracts in Nigeria today. So you need the TCC and the government or its agenies also need the TCC.
What is the Usefulness of Tax Clearance?
In fact, the usefulness lies in the fact that, No TCC No Contract in Nigeria. Again it also gives a good definition of good corporate citizenship.
Requirements for Tax Clearance Certificate Application?
To apply for a new TCC, you need to present:
- Copy of the previous TCC
- Your audited account
- Schedules of income tax computations
- Self Assessment returns
- Evidence of tax payment as assessed by you (tax payer)
What is the Relationship between Annual Incorm Returns and Tax Clearance Certificate?
TCC is the end result of the annual income returns at the tax office. If your annual tax return is accurate, sufficient and timely, you will have your Tax clearance certificate without any further delay.
You Need Us Here:
Actually, you need us here to:
- Audit your accounts and publish your financial statements,
- Compute your taxable income, and tax due
- Do the tax return filing
- Obtain your TCC for your use.
Get Your Company Tax Clearance Certificate Faster Here
Who are We?
We are Chartered Accountants – Complete Full Marks Consultants Limited – professionals, Accredited consultants. Auditors and tax Experts. We will do a lot for you. As a matter of fact, Our Services range from;
- Accounting & Auditing,
- Taxation – annual tax filings and obtaining your tax clearance certificates, Corporate services – CAC documentations/company and business name/NGO registrations,
- Management services – writing business plans, business proposals, business coaching, Capacity building training, seminars, workshops etc.
- Obtaining mining license to other license for clients.
How We Help Companies Get Tax Clearance Certificates Quicker in Nigria – Our Contacts:
Contact us if you have need of us., via,
e-mail: [email protected]
Phone: +234 8034347851, +234 8097900795

Deacon Anekperechi Nworgu, a seasoned economist who transitioned into a chartered accountant, auditor, tax practitioner, and business consultant, brings with him a wealth of industry expertise spanning over 37 years.