Post Incorporation Changes in Shareholders Shareholding @ CAC Nigeria/How to Make Change in Your Company Stake holders Shareholding Ratio – Post Incorporation Changes in Shareholders Shareholding @ CAC Nigeria would involve some forms which include CAC form 7a, form CAC 2a and CAC form 10, minimum share capital for private limited company in Nigeria and CAC accreditation form.
Furthermore, How to Make Change in Your Company Stake holders Shareholding Ratio entails how to determine percentage of ownership in a company, controlling shareholding and majority shareholding status. Even when it involves husband and wife, father and children, the issue is who gets what per centage or the other. In fact, note that majority of controlling status starts from 52%. You could be a subsidiary, an associate or an ordinary shareholder, the per centage of your share holding is what defines these.
In this post, Post Incorporation Changes in Shareholders Shareholding @ CAC Nigeria/How to Make Change in Your Company Stake holders Shareholding Ratio, are requirements for Share Allotment, Transfer of Shares and Transmission of Shares. As a matter of fact, the post tells you what to do and how to do it to effect the share allotments and other changes. Therefore, take time to go through it.
Post Incorporation Changes in Shareholders Shareholding @ CAC Nigeria – REQUIREMENTS:
Table of Contents
Allotment of Shares:
Furthrmore, for this to be done, you have to supply the following information within one month of the allotment.
- Special Board resolution signed by 2 directors,
- Duly completed forms for the return of allotment
- Scanned copies of data page of international passport, or any other recognised national ID for each of the allottee
- Board resolution for forfeiture of shares – where applicable
- Updated company annual returns
- Payment of Fees
- Evidence of payment of FRC annual dues.
Transfer of Shares:
In additio, requirements for filing transfer notice of shares include the under listed , and must be filed within 14 days of the transfer
- Duly Stamped instrument of transfer,
- Scanned copies of data page of international passport, or any other recognised national ID for each of the transferee
- Payment of fees
- Evidence of payment of FRC annual dues
Post Incorporation Changes in Shareholders Shareholding @ CAC Nigeria – Transmission of Shares:
After all, the following information must be supplied within 14 days of the notice of election or instrument of transfer, whichever is applicable.
- Photocopy of death certificate
- Letter of Administration,
- Notice of election or transfer – whichever is applicable
- Scanned copies of data page of international passport, or any other recognised national ID of the transferee or the new shareholder
- Payment of fees
- Evidence of payment of FRC annual dues.
What We Can Do For You:
In conclusion, what we will do for you, in this Post Incorporation Changes in Shareholders Shareholding @ CAC Nigeria/How to Make Change in Your Company Stake holders Shareholding Ratio, is to ensure that this exercise is done quickly when you supply us with all personal data. Our approach is to provide all other forms and requirements for you, process the changes and hand over all documents to you in record time.
How to Make Change in Your Company Stake holders Shareholding Ratio
Who Are We?
Finally, we are chartered accountants. Complete Full Marks Consultants limited, is an accredited consultant with CAC. We will therefore collaborate with CAC to facilitate your work in record time.
Contact us if you have need of us, via,
e-mail: [email protected]
Phone: +234 8034347851, +234 8097900795
Changes in Stake Holders Share Holding Ratio requirements

Deacon Anekperechi Nworgu, a seasoned economist who transitioned into a chartered accountant, auditor, tax practitioner, and business consultant, brings with him a wealth of industry expertise spanning over 37 years.