Pig Farming Business Plan Template Nigeria
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Pig Farming Business Plan Template Nigeria – In this time of economic empowerment in Nigeria, what do you need? Business plan for pig farming in Nigeria pdf, pig farming business plan free download, swine project business plan, pig farming project proposal or complete guide to commercial pig farming in Nigeria pdf. These things re here. Before we continue, note that baby pig is known as shoat, farrow or piglet. Male pig is referred to as boar while female is sows. A group of pig is called a herd or drove. Now we go on. Pig Farming Business Plan Template Nigeria.
Pig Farming in Nigeria:
To start with, Pig farming known as piggery is another aspect of farming in Nigeria making smart investors and entrepreneurs huge money on daily basis. If you re into this pig farming business, surely you wouldn’t lack money again for the rest of your life. Do you know why? This’s because Pig meat/pork is in high demand in Nigeria. I tell you that with high breeding rate of pig, you are sure to make your millions. Pig is one of the most reproducing livestock in the world, one producing as many as 15 piglets at a time. If you must know, a fully grown Pig goes for as much as N30,000 depending on the weight. Can you tell me how many you will sell to make a million Naira?
As a matter of fact, many who engage in pig farming in Nigeria do it as part time business. Incidentally, few commercial pig farming exist. This business plan will teach you how to make your money from pig farming. We have a preview of the farming business, start-up cost analysis, feasibility analysis and the economic implications for your family and national economy.
Pig Farming Business Plan Template Nigeria
Pig Farming Business Plan Template:
Right now, here is business plan template for your use as a pig farmer. If you re starting now or running a part-time pig farming by the side of your house or wants to start the big one, here re the essentials you must follow. If you re writing a business plan, here also re the steps and the business plan elements and study views you must apply.
1. Pig Breeding Ground
To start with, a plot of land may just be ok for small scale start-up. However, large farm land (from 5 acres) may be better so that your pig can graze in the open and retire to pen where they’d continue feeding and playing. Land is your biggest investment in this business. Once you’ve it, you’re half way done.
Therefore, if you get land in a rural area where you get it cheaper, the cost of your production may be low. You will have to rear your pigs here and transport to town. You could look for butchers who could be coming to your farm to buy, saving you cost of transportation. It’s good to raise pigs in open pasture leaving them occasionally to run around in the field and find plants to eat. As they mature, you take care so that they don’t wander away.
In your business plan, all of these will need to be listed and monetised in a tabular form.
2. You Need Standard Pen
Again, large pen is important for your pigs not to injure themselves. Good and specious pen is also important to keep pigs healthy and free from diseases and contamination. Proper drainage is needed also to avoid water becoming stagnant. This could attract insects and other harmful pets to harm your pigs.
In addition, if you like avoiding your pigs getting overly dirty, you need to build water pool where they can play and swim. Swimming, and cooling themselves in the water is important to their well being. Changing water and refilling the pool must be a frequent exercise. This will ensure they re clean all the time. Shelter should be built for them if they are kept outdoor.
These re both quantitative and qualitative variables. Therefore, put figure to those that can be quantified and appraise the qualitative ones as inputted non-quantifiable assets for your business.
Pig Farming Business Plan Template Nigeria
3. Procurement of Healthy Piglets:
Furthermore, you need to make sure your start-up piglets re healthy. Buy from trusted sources and ensure the ones you re buying has history of vaccination.
Don’t start with too many, start with few. There could be teething problems. There’s learning curve for every business. Therefore, it’s advisable you start with small number and increase gradually.
Not only that, you need to talk to veterinary doctor now. Truly, you need the services of vet doctors for regular check-up and vaccination as well as feeding and nutrition advice. Pigs generally eat what human being eat and therefore doesn’t present much worries when it comes to feed.
Again, the cost for vet medic services, drugs & vaccination, cost of piglets, and feed related goods must be ‘costed’ for and added together as part of start-up cost analysis.
4. Employ Good Workers
For this, you need 4 – 5 workers if your pigs re up to 100. When you re starting on smaller scale, you may need lesser number of workers. These will be assisting in the cleaning of the pigs and the pens, feeding the pigs and making sure they re well behaved.
The workers wages must be budged for. Can you use casual workers who are paid per operation? Is there any allowance provision for yourself. Please, put all of these costs together.
Pig Farming Business Plan Template Nigeria
5. The importance of Feed for Pig Farming
Consequently, just like human beings, Pigs eat wide variety of foods. Anything human can eat, pigs eat. Like human beings, they need balanced diet as fibre, protein, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals to live healthy. Feed will take major chunk of spending in the farm. So, calculate this properly.
Pigs Life:
In Summary, Pigs must have constant access to clean fresh drinking water. Pigs like tipping the trough to make a wallow. Pigs will also stand in the water trough and wash their dirty faces in it. They need to be checked regularly, cleansed and refilled. Galvanised troughs re robust and easy to clean, and not too easy for the pigs to tip over. Automatic drinkers re available.
Pig Farming Business Plan Template Nigeria
If you put all these in place and you re as good as having started your business. It’s a profitable venture. Pig farming is one of such business. All you need do is to feed and take care of them. Do that properly and watch them multiply in three fold.
Pig Farming Viability Analysis:
On this matter, this will require a break-even analysis. Therefore, put together all costs and revenues to determine at what quantity and monetary value the project will break-even. At this point, you have known the minimum quantity you must not go below of. If you need this aspect, contact us for a winning viability/feasibility analysis.
Pig Farming Business Plan Template Nigeria
National Gross Product:
Furthermore, Pig farming in Nigeria is becoming very popular. It is a wonderful business idea and very profitable in Nigeria. Today, economy of Nigeria is mostly dependent on agriculture. And various types of agri-business is contributing much to national income and total economy of Nigeria. Pig farming is one of them. Therefore, pig farming contributes reasonably to national income in terms of per capita income and employment. In this connection, we gain the following benefits from pig farming.
- The reproduction period/circle and system of pig is faster than any other livestock like cattle or goats.
- Pig can convert more energy/nutrient into protein, therefore, they grow faster than cattle, goats or other livestock animals.
- Pigs can survive but produce more by consuming little amount of low quality foods.
- It needs less amount of investment. You can determine the size of your farm.
- Many Nigerians re experiencing malnutrition problem due to absence of sufficient protein in regular food. Animal protein is very essential for human body because of it’s high biological value and contains the building stones for good health and proper growth. Raising pigs help meet this challenge.
- Very profitable business idea with great Return on Investment (ROI) ratio.
The above narratives show how these attributes of pig farming translates into increased national income – per capita income, employment, health and social well-being of the citizens.
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We can Write Your Business Plan:
As you can see, we can help you. Complete Full Marks Consultants Limited is a firm of Chartered Accountants, auditing, taxation and management consultants. The customised business plan we will write for you will cover all of these costs. We will do the researc/survey ourselves and put the figures down for you.
Contact us on [email protected] or call +234 8034347851 for these assignments.
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Pig Farming Business Plan Template Nigeria

Deacon Anekperechi Nworgu, a seasoned economist who transitioned into a chartered accountant, auditor, tax practitioner, and business consultant, brings with him a wealth of industry expertise spanning over 37 years.