2020 Profitable Business Ideas for Nigerians/Lucrative Nigerian Cottage Business Ideas
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These are hot business ideas in Nigeria. In addition, they are untapped business investment opportunities in Nigeria with low capital. On the other hand, cottage business ideas are home family businesses. They include cottage industries which are both small business and large scale business ideas. As a matter of fact, these are hot businesses that move fast in Nigeria. Details of 2020 Profitable Business Ideas for Nigerians/Lucrative Nigerian Cottage Business Ideas are here.
The question therefore is, do you want to start a business in Nigeria with low capital? If your answer is YES – here are the best small scale ideas you can convert to your dream business. By now you must have known that to start business of your own in Nigeria is no longer a luxury. In fact, it’s a necessity for anyone whose aim in life is to make good money and become wealthy fast in Nigeria.
So, if you must do business in Nigeria this 2020, make your choices from here. Again, one major assignment I wish to give you now is to be sure that your business idea will solve people’s problems or needs. In addition, contact us to legalise your business at CAC and to give you a bankable business plan. With these you are set for business this 2020.
Furthermore, this post is structured to give answers to the following questions; what is the best business to start in Nigeria? And in fact, what’s the most profitable small business to start? In addition is the answer to: what business can I do in Nigeria with little capital? As regarding home/family/cottage businesses, solutions to: what is an example of a cottage industry – re given here.
2020 Profitable Business Ideas for Nigerians/Lucrative Nigerian Cottage Business Ideas – CATEGORIES OF BUSINESS IDEA:
Therefore, here are several groups of business ideas you can embark on in 2020. They are here for you to make your choices. Some are composite business ideas that go together. In that case, you need a well-structured business plan to make the combination. Each feasibility analysis will determine how it could be combined with the others. Don’t let a loss leader stop your business, contact us immediately.
In addition, Equipment fabrications – this is available in so many business fields with types and capacities. Welding work for example provides fabricated equipment for Oil Mill, Rice Mill, Cassava and other processing plants. Furthermore, Woodwork fabrications also apply. So, production and sell of furniture is included here. Our business plan will help you stand on your foot sooner than you expected it.
There a lot of goods to export from Nigeria to earn foreign exchange and thereby improve our balance of payment and increase our foreign reserve. Now think about, Agro-products exportation – Ginger, Garlic, Sesame seed, Timber etc. Then, the exportation of petroleum products – so many of them to export – processed and unprocessed products. If you think inwards too you will see the need for exporting locally manufactured goods – varieties exist. What about culturally designed fabrics – Igbo, Housa, Yoruba, Efik, Edo etc. cultural wears will give you extra money next time you travel abroad.
We have a well-structured export training manual for any export business you want to go into. Just contact us for your soft copy.
Along the value chain of manufacturing business in Nigeria are a lot of businesses. Just ” shine your eye” to see well. Therefore, think about beverage production and marketing – varieties exist. Bottle and sachet water are very lucrative businesses in recent time in Nigeria. Manufacturing or processing businesses require good business plan to kick-off. Allow us assist you here.
2020 Profitable Business Ideas for Nigerians – RECREATION CENTRE:
In fact, people require places to relax after work each day. Therefore, certain recreational services that suite a particular environment exist. So, consider, Football Showing Centre, Cinemas, Video Centres, Game centres, Bars and Clubs. In fact, some can be complements to others in a well-structured business combination.
In this connection, variety of service rendering businesses exist. There are; Catering Services, Interior decoration, Travel Agency business, and Computer Repair Service. In addition are; Auto mechanic workshop, Auto painting shop, Radio and Television stations and Advert platforms. Then, Security Company – this is good for retired policemen and soldiers. Construction Company – specific and general contracting business. What about – General supplies business, Real Estate Business, Estate Management Services, Call Centre services and Mobile banking services? Now think about Currency Exchange business, Recruitment Agency, Haulage and logistics, e-Services – web-designs, advert apps. etc.
Do you consider Night Clubs business as a commercial service? What about Commercial Training centres – for anything at all? Now think about cleaning business and Waste management. In addition are Alternative power installations – solar energy, inverter, etc., ATM services and repairs. Food stuff business – assorted in wholesale and retail. Cold Room and supper store business. And, why not register a Political Party today?
As oil producing country, there should be a lot we should be doing along the oil and gas production and distribution value chain. So, there are a lot of Oil and Gas related businesses in Nigeria. So think about Petrol filling stations, petroleum distributive, cooking gas retails and cooking gas filling plant. Other include Industrial gas refilling and retails.
Mining activities – several of them.
Over 50 commercially viable precious solid minerals to explore. Each one is a business of its own. Contact us to process your mining licence.
With population growth and urbanization, there are a lot of commuters to move from one location to another. In fact, under different environments there are types of transportation facilities suitable. So, there are Land Transport, Air Transport, Inland waterways transportation and rail transport.
2020 Profitable Business Ideas for Nigerians – IMPORTATION BUSINESS:
If you are interested in importation business consider Okirika/ second hand clothes, and Tokumbo Furniture. What about Used Cars, computers/lap tops, mobile phones etc.? Just think about other tokumbo goods – so many of them.
As a matter of fact, these 2020 Profitable Business Ideas for Nigerians/Lucrative Nigerian Cottage Business Ideas are hot businesses, untapped businesses and emerging business ideas that will create wealth for you.

Here are everything baking: pastries, Bread Making, Snacks Making and Cakes. If you have money you can combine these in a single business outfit. It’s also possible to base on an enlarged business outfit here too. That is to so make a line of these business, say bread making, so big and large and that only.
Do you know that being beautiful is a good business? If you now this, then make business out of Soap Making, Bead Making, Tailoring, Special uniform sewing shop and Fashion design. Also think about Bridal wears, Bridal make-ups – wedding accessories, and Women beauty make-up.
2020 Profitable Business Ideas for Nigerians – NGO BUSINESS:
These days owning an NGO is a good business too. You can float a Church business, Prayer house, Praying oil and other materials shop. Think of organising a Co-operative society and owning an Orphanage and Civil Society organisation. Why not establishing an Empowerment Organisations – youth, widow, rural dwellers, and retiree’s empowerment outfits. Do you under rate what a Town Union association can achieve for you and your kinsmen. Empowerment Training centres are good ones too. Think of special Orphanage home and abandoned boby care centres.
When population growth is being talked about, it means more families are being made and more children are being born. That is why this business is an evergreen brand. You only need good location and quality teachers and a defined standard to do well in this business. In fact, these are Private School Business – Nursery, Primary, secondary, Collage of Education, Polytechnics, and Universities. Think of Day care centres too.
Click here to register your business in 3 days.
As a matter of fact, if you understand what import substitution means, then you know what agro-farming business means to Nigeria. Therefore, whatever line of business you get on here sales like hot cake. Agro-equipment fabrications – milling and food processing plant components is a must in this business. Agro-equipment retailing is also viable. Livestock feed production – Varieties for Poultry farming – Egg production, meat production, day-old-chicks production, etc. Cattle Farming – Dairy (milk) production, beef, etc. Other are; Rabbit Farming, Goat and sheep Farming. For fishery think about Tilapia Fish Farming and hatchery farm. Other farmers concentrate on Piggery, Grass-cutter Farming, Snail Farming and Quail Farming or a combination of them.
Associated with the Agro-Farming Businesses enumerated above are agro-product processing business. Here, too are variety of business opportunities like Cassava plantations and processing business. Rice Plantations and processing business. Banana/Plantain plantations is another lucrative one. One of the international commodity market product these days is palm oil. Therefore, Palm Tree plantation and Palm oil Milling Business is a global business you can invest in.
ICT Business Ideas
These include information technology business ideas for start-ups. In addition, they are also good for information technology professionals. List of business ideas include – Blog Consulting and Computer Repair and Maintenance. Others re Computer Training, Data Entry and Internet Research business. Consider also various consultancy services associated with ICT. Then consider IT Support services and Social Media Consulting.
2020 Profitable Business Ideas for Nigerians – 2020 Business
Are you ready for 2020 Business? Then get our bankable business plan to design your business operations. Get also our export business training manual for agro product export business. In fact, contact us for your business registration at CAC and other start-up documentations.
Contact +234 8034347851 or email [email protected]

Deacon Anekperechi Nworgu, a seasoned economist who transitioned into a chartered accountant, auditor, tax practitioner, and business consultant, brings with him a wealth of industry expertise spanning over 37 years.