Students Work in Canada: International Student Part-time Jobs – These are student part-time jobs in Canada for International students. They are the solutions to such questions as; What are the best part-time jobs for international students in Canada? This is Students Work in Canada: International Student Part-time Jobs
Therefore, if you intend studying in Canada, here are full information you need to win one of the highest-paying part-time jobs in Canada for international students. These jobs are for both on the campus and outside-campus.
Affordable Institutions: Students Work in Canada: International Student Part-time Jobs
Table of Contents
The jobs are available in the following institutions. Therefore, gain admission for direct studentship or scholarship to be in any of the following.
- University of Toronto
- Seneca College
- Centennial College
- York University
- George Brown College
- Others
Click here to contact any of the universities.
Students Work in Canada: International Student Part-time Jobs
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- Australian International Students Jobs
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- Recruitment information
- Career and professional information here
Canada International Students:
It’s a heartwarming thing to note that international students in Canada have an option to do part-time work. This is to help them meet your educational and living expenses to a certain extent. In addition, it helps you earn valuable Canadian work experience. This job experience will certainly prove useful in your future career. Read more about Students Work in Canada: International Student Part-time Jobs
Statutorily, a Canadian study permit holder works up to 20 hours per week. However, if you happen to be one of those enrolled for difficult or intensive courses, you may choose to work lesser hours. In this case a maximum of 12 hours per week. This is to ensure that the work would not affect your studies.
Click here to get assistance for appropriate Visa.
How much do you make a week?
Because you will be paid on hourly bases of about $10; working 20 hours a week give you $200 per week. But where you are interested in jobs outside the campus, the first thing you must do is to obtain an off-campus work permit. And that is only possible after completing six months of your study.
Get assistance to secure a high part-time job here.
Canadian best part-time jobs for international students:
Do you know that this provision for international students in Canada is a helpful one? I think, international students should be grateful to the Canadian government for this arrangement. Now, think of what happens where you are stranded because you are out of cash. What would you have done?
As a matter of fact, as you cannot commit yourself to full-time work, it would be great if you can choose part-time jobs that offer better pay and flexible work time. In fact, flexibility is very important in this arrangement. In most cased this allows you to set your own schedule to complete the work. One other advantage is that a part-time job will help you acquire significant work experience even when you are studying.
Students Work in Canada: International Student Part-time Jobs Canadian best Flexible Part-time Jobs for International Students:
These include;
1. Teacher’s assistant
2. Tutor
3. Server/Bartender
4. Barista
5. Uber driver
6. Freelancer
7. Nanny
8. Dog Walker
9. Translator
10. Salesperson

Read Also:
- How to get cheap immigration visa to Canada
- How to win scholarship in UK Universities
- And, How to win Canadian Government sponsored Scholarships
- Specific University scholarship programs in Canada
- Non-governmental – Company jobs in Canada
Summing Up:
In conclusion, above are the available flexible part-time jobs you can get studying in Canada. Get assistance here for Students Work in Canada for International Student Part-time Jobs. The process starts from you immigration paper arrangements. There are institutions ready to admit you. Get a scholarship for this too here.
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Deacon Anekperechi Nworgu, a seasoned economist who transitioned into a chartered accountant, auditor, tax practitioner, and business consultant, brings with him a wealth of industry expertise spanning over 37 years.