Table of Contents
Jamb Examination 2021/2022 Time Table & Exam Guides – As a prospective undergraduate, you want to write your JAMB today and get ready for your POST UTME test and admission into the university of your choice in Nigeria.
Jamb Examination 2021/2022 Time Table:
I have come across many of you that are so eager to write JAMB examinations, and so ask over four questions that have the same answer. When you ask about jamb 2021/2022 timetable, jamb date 2022, jamb timetable 2022, when is jamb 2022. This shows you are eager to be in the university very soon. Don’t worry, you will be in the university very soon.
Jamb Examination 2022 Expo
Your next questions is about jamb exam expo. So you try to know about; free jamb expo website, 2022 jamb runz, jamb expo online, 2022 jamb expo,2022 jamb cbt runs, 2022 jamb cbt expo, 2022 jamb runs, jamb utme expo 2022, and how to get completefmc JAMB expo details. Just ensure you visit regularly a week before the exam and all through the exam periods.
I have good news for you. The 2022 UTME exam will commence on Friday 9th March and end on 17th March, 2022. Thousands of candidates will sit the exams daily. This means that the facilities available will not be enough for everyone to write at the same day or time.
2021/2022 JAMB exam will hold in over 700 CBT centres across Nigeria between 9th and 17th March 2022. It will hold both morning and afternoon sessions. The morning Jamb CBT examination starts from 8:00AM or 9AM. Candidates are advised to be at their various centres around 7:00AM for every verification and security check.
Read Also: SSCE Time table
Your Jamb Exam date and Time:
If you are wondering, how do I know the date and exact time I will sit for my Jamb examination? Don’t panic dear. You will find your Jamb date, venue and time when you reprint your jamb 2022 slip.
As soon as possible, Jamb will be announcing the date for reprinting of examination slip. That is what you need. Just be attentive to jamb news or information from this site. Once you print out your slip, your Jamb registration details, as well as date and time, will be updated.

Other Jamb examination guides & Tips:
Here a painstaking exam guides provided by completefmc
- You should not go to the examination centre when it is not your date.
- Don’t go to another venue other than the one you have been assigned to take your examination.
- Computer based test (CBT) is the administration of an examination using a computer.
- CBT is flexible: That means, the test can be taken at different times and in different location.
- CBT provides a more accurate, precise and fair assessment of your performance.
- Computer Based Test (CBT):
gives immediate feedback/result.
accurate and offers automated analysis of results.
It’s fair and more secured.
It’s globally accepted.
- CBT centres are located in all the thirty-six states of the federation and the FCT.
- JAMB provide CBT options: of either the Computer Based Test or the Paper Pencil Examination.
- If you have problems submitting your online application contact
- 08084116631, 08072522813, 08031283713, 07031283662 or visit any Zonal or State office of the Board nearest to you.
- You will write the examination according to a scheduled/appointed time.
- You Should bring the original e-slip printout to the testing centre
- How to start the test: first key in the registration number into the computer and click on NEXT. You are to read and follow the instructions that comes up. Then, click on START EXAM.
- How to key in your answers on the Computer: 2 ways: Click on the option you believe to be the answer or typing in the letter of the option.
- Answers are recorded directly into the computer.
- Time spent on the examination are displayed on the computer screen during the examination. So watch it.
- Don’t bring in food to the test centre
- Don’t bring in your Mobile phones in the test centre.
- Notebook or other textbook materials are not allowed in the test centre.
- Don’t bring in calculator; You will be provided with one on the examination day.
- To end your test – click the “END” button. Another box will ask you to confirm that you are ready to end the test. Once you confirm that you want to end, the test will close and you will not be able to regain entry.
- There will be no break between the test.
- Enjoy JAMB free test practice – visit JAMB website You can get further practice tests of JAMB past questions on purchase of an e-card.
- Your scores will be sent on your mobile phones almost immediately you leave the examination centre.
- You are expected to arrive at your centre as early as 6:00 am for the biometrics verification exercise.
- If you arrive late, say, after thirty minutes (30mins.) into the examination, you will not be allowed into the testing centre.
Click her for further academic exam tips
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Good luck.

Deacon Anekperechi Nworgu, a seasoned economist who transitioned into a chartered accountant, auditor, tax practitioner, and business consultant, brings with him a wealth of industry expertise spanning over 37 years.