New Coy Vs Old Registered company: how to get any – What do you know about new company? How better is an old registered company for business purpose? Do you know that new company has no profile yet? And, do you know old company has goodwill and reputation already? However, do you want to buy an old company or register a new one? These are the thrust of this post. New Coy Vs Old Registered company: this is how to get one .
Furthermore, this post will give you highlights on how to register new company. It will also show you how to go about an old registered company for effective business purposes. These are to enable you decide on whether to buy an existing company or go the long way of registering a new on. Therefore, if you want to buy an existing company especially for bidding contracts in Nigeria, contact us today. In the same vein, if you want to register an entirely new company, let us know immediate.
To start with, if you want to register a new company, please go through these:
Table of Contents
These may pose challenges, but don’t worry, just go through them and let us know where you have challenges.
- How do I check to see if a business name is available?
- How can I check if a company is registered in Nigeria?
- And, how do I register my business name online?
- What is a business name?
- How about CAC Nigeria – Corporate Affairs Commission?
- When was Corporate Affairs Commission established?
- Then, what are the function of corporate affairs commission?
- What is the meaning of corporate affairs commission?
- What is corporate affairs job description?
If you are still having challenges with any of these questions, please, let us know immediately. We will certainly help you out.
Now, let us face this aspect that matters so much in your business start-up processes and in the management of your existing company.
- How much does it cost to register a company/business name in Nigeria?
- How much does it cost to do any of the following?
- Reservation of Name
- Registration of private company with share capital of N1million or less
- Get, registration of private company/Increase in Share Capital above N1million and up-to N500million
- In addition, Registration of private company/Increase in share capital above N500million
- And then, registration of Public company/Increase in share capital
- Registration of Company not having a share capital
- Filing of notice of exemption of foreign Companies from Registration
- Re-instatement/Relisting of company name
- Registration of charges for private company
- Filing of annual return for: a small Company, Private company other than a small company, public company, company Limited by Guarantee, foreign companies etc.
- Filing of notice of change of company name, alteration of memorandum and articles of association. Furthermore, changes in particulars of directors, allotment and or notice of change in shareholding. In addition are, change in registered address, appointment of receiver, discharge of receiver, change of signature etc.
Complete Full Marks consultants, is the right place to get these information. That is what we exist for as CAC accredited agents. We will certainly help you out.
In the following conversation, you need to draw a line between the old and new company. Just go through these.
- New Coy Vs Old Registered Company:
- Do you want to know the difference?
- Can you check out the following?
- how to confirm a company is registered
- how to check if a company is registered in Nigeria
- list of registered companies in Nigeria
- how to register an enterprise in Nigeria
- corporate affairs commission list of registered companies
- how to register a school, NGO, Club, church etc. with CAC
- CAC company/enterprise registration forms
- how to register a company/business name
As a matter of fact, the purpose of this article is hinged on the followoing questions:
- Register a New Coy or Buy an old one?
- Are you in need of an existing company?
- Do you want a company that has built its profile over time?
- Why not register a new one?
- Is an old company available for purchase?
- Where do I get an old company to buy?
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Before we continue, any of the following topics on business challenge might help you, just click one for details.
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New Coy Vs Old Registered company – how to get any
As CAC accredited agent, we will do any of these for you. If you need to register a new company contact us today. If you supply all the required information and documents, your company certificate will be ready in 3 days’ time.
However, where you need an existing company to buy for a particular need, contact us too. We will ensure you get a verified old registered company of your choice, with all transaction’s procedures done legally.

New Coy Vs Old Registered company: how to get any: In conclusion:
I have to confess that truly I have enjoyed this post myself. I know you enjoyed it more. Complete Full Marks Consultants Limited, owners of this website can always be of assistance to you for your business growth challenges. As consultants, we help you do those things you can’t do by yourself. As Chartered Accountants, auditors, taxation and management consultants, our services will help you a lot. Do contact us if you have need of us.
If you need our services: Contact
e-mail: [email protected]
Phone: +234 8034347851, +234 8097900795

Deacon Anekperechi Nworgu, a seasoned economist who transitioned into a chartered accountant, auditor, tax practitioner, and business consultant, brings with him a wealth of industry expertise spanning over 37 years.