2020 FCSC Promotion Exam for All Cadre – Vision 20-20 is suitable for Federal Civil Service Promotion Interview. In fact, this is Nigeria civil service promotion exam questions with answers. This is an essential promotion procedures for Federal civil servants in Nigeria. It matters when it comes to employee promotion checklist and employee promotion policy. Furthermore, it’s also important for internal promotion policy for lower class cadres. This is 2020 FCSC Promotion Exam for All Cadre – Vision 20-20
As a matter of fact, are due for promotion examination in the federal civil service? In fact, Vision 20-20 principles are essential part of this year’s promotion examination. That is why it’s a must read by every cadre in the federal employment.
VISION 20-20 @ 2020 FCSC Promotion Exam for All Cadre – Vision 20-20
Table of Contents
In fact, this is a definition of Nigeria by 2020. It’s the target year for Nigeria to be one of the 20 largest economies in the world. So, by this date Nigeria is able to consolidate its leadership role in Africa. In addition, establish itself as a significant player in the global economic and political sphere.
Researchable Elements of 20-20:
Do you want to know so much about this suject matter. Then, work on the following concepts. These are 20-20 Vision Special Interest Groups and Institutional Arrangements. Others are Development Process, Methodology & Milestones. You will also need to know about the Business Support Groups.
What is Vision 20-20?
Vision 20-20 is a developing long term vision and strategic plan. It’s for the transformation of Nigeria’s socio-economic landscape to the top 20 league of developed countries by Year 20-20.
List the stages of vision 20-20:
VISION 20-20 has over 400 initiatives with timelines for implementation but divided into 3 stages as follows:
- Comprising of Review and updating stage June, 2007 to Dec., 2012.
- A Presidential Implementation Committee has been set up.
- Human capital development.
- Technology and building an international financial centre.
- Other initiatives that will be formulated.
- Integration of African Financial Market between Jan. 2013 and Dec., 2016.
- The emergence of global brands and world class players
- Complete Integration of Financial market and Physical Development IFC.
- Consolidation stage, between Jan. 2017 to 20-20,
- The emergence of world class financial services system.
- FSS 2020 concept
- Final reviews of performance, results and strategy.
- Locking in the gains for posterity.
Where is Vision 20-20 Anchored?
This vision is anchored on the following:
- Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
- Vision 2010
- National Economic Empowerment and Development Strategy, NEEDS, SEEDS & LEEDS.
- The parameter of the vision stands on 7 point agenda.
- New partnership for African Development (NEPAD).
List the institutional framework of vision 20-20:
Institutional Framework of vision 20-20 are as follows:
National Council Committee:
This organ which is the highest on Vision 20-20 had President Musa Yar’dua as Chairman. Senator Sanusi Daggash Former Minister of National Planning is the co-ordinator. The Secretariat is the premises of National Planning Commission. In fact, the membership of this organ is drawn from all strata of lives, 25 eminent Nigerians are members of National Council Committee.
The duties of National Council Committee include the following:
- They prepare guidelines for other Committee to follow.
- They harmonize the work of other Committee with the aim of seeing the possibility of its workability.
National Steering Committee:
Furthermore, this Committee is called the embracing Committee. It comprises 70 Nigerians of proven integrity. The duties of this Committee are to develop the guidelines for Implementation. To monitor and evaluate the strategies. The Committee ensures all stakeholders are fully involved and the vision is carried out at each level of Government. That is why the Committee’s members are draw from
- Ministries,
- Departments,
- Agencies,
- States,
- Local Governments levels
- And Non-Government Organizations.
National Technical Working Group.
This is a body of professionals and experts on their fields drawn from both public and private Organizations. It’s with the responsibility of offering professional and technical memorandum in what the country should do to achieve the vision 20-20.
Examples of such groups are:
- Central Bank of Nigeria
- National Economic Submit Group (NESG)
- National Stock Exchange.

This Committee is known as Stakeholder Committee. Each stakeholder will present its document in line with guidelines prepared by the National Council Committee. This is based on priorities and National goals. The Stakeholders include the following, (a) Federal Government, (b) State Government, (c) Local Government, (d) Non-governmental Organization (NG).
2020 FCSC Promotion Exam for All Cadre – Vision 20-20
What are the objectives of vision 20-20?
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Objectives of Vision 20-20 are:
- One of the primary objectives of vision 20-20 is to make Nigeria one of 20 largest Economies in the world by the year 20-20.
- To make Nigeria an International financial centre.
- In addition, to evaluate Nigerian’s potentials using development variables.
- In fact, to make Nigeria to be African’s financial hub most of International financial transactions in Africa would be connected with Nigeria.
- To help other African’s nations to move them out of financial doldrums’s nations to move them out of financial doldrums.
- Furthermore, to drive rapid and sustainable economic growth in Nigeria and Africa.
- To move Nigeria out of third world country to an industrialized nation.
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Deacon Anekperechi Nworgu, a seasoned economist who transitioned into a chartered accountant, auditor, tax practitioner, and business consultant, brings with him a wealth of industry expertise spanning over 37 years.