How & Where Do I Start Poultry Business in Nigeria?
Table of Contents
How & Where Do I Start Poultry Business in Nigeria? – Poultry farming is a deliberate planned process of raising birds such as chickens, ducks, turkeys and geese for purpose of farming meat or eggs for food for commercial purpose. Poultry is a place/location where mostly chickens re farmed in great numbers.
How & Where Do I Start Poultry Business in Nigeria? For you to start and run well poultry business in Nigeria, you must conduct feasibility study on poultry farming in Nigeria. The feasibility studies will enable you do a business plan for your poultry business. The business plan becomes your business road map for a start. Feasibility analysis must include break-even analysis and estimated income statement structured in short term and long term basis.
As a matter of fact, there re benefits associated with this business venture. The profitability of poultry farming in Nigeria is outstanding. Broilers and layers poultry farming dominate this business in Nigeria. If you re one of those who dream for poultry business, this write-up is for you. It’s an article that helps commercial and non-commercial poultry farmers. It’s also a veritable research material for students of agricultural/animal sciences.
How & Where Do I Start Poultry Business in Nigeria?
Researchable Question People Ask:
A a matter of fact, The question raised in this article in relation to this subject matter will certainly open your understanding of poultry business in Nigeria.
- Is poultry farming profitable business in Nigeria?
- What re advantages of poultry farming?
- What is profit margin in poultry business?
- How much is investment required to set up poultry farm?
- How much is cost of building chicken house?
Others include:
- How can I start chicken poultry farm?
- Why has poultry farming become important?
- How poultry farming is carried out?
- What re benefits of poultry?
- What re poultry uses for? And,
- How can I start poultry farm?
How & Where Do I Start Poultry Business in Nigeria?
Rules for Starting Own Poultry Farm:
At any rate, if you re able to answer the questions above, that’s ok, otherwise, please read on for their answers. However, let’s proceed to look at points you must take care of if you must start poultry business and do well.
Do a business plan:
The business plan you need will have all the under listed and discussed items in perspective. It will quantify and monetise them so that you will ascertain how much your business will cost. It will give you breakdown of the business feasibility analysis. Feasibility analysis will let you know whether to go on with the business or drop out. All the question raised above will be answered by the Business Plan. Get your poultry business plan from Complete Full Marks Consultants Limited today.
Again, choose Your Poultry Sector
Poultry farming is wide industry embodying variety of businesses activities. So choose your niche, i.e. the section you can afford.
- Egg production (Layers breeding)
- Meat production (Broilers breeding)
- Chicken breeding (Hatchery)
- Poultry feed production
- Poultry equipment manufacturing
- Egg and meat processing, packaging and marketing
- Poultry marketing and consultancy
Set Farm Location:
Now, determine the size of your poultry farm. Large ones need good location, while smaller ones can be managed in or nearby your resident.
How & Where Do I Start Poultry Business in Nigeria?
Choose The Type of Bird to rear:
Poultry farm owners rear many types of birds such as:
- Domestic fowl or Chicken (Broilers and layers)
- Turkey
- Guinea fowl
- Pigeon
- Duck
- Goose
- Peacock
- Quail
Capital infrastructures:
Please, take care of your physical infrastructure. The following equipment may be needed for poultry farm:
- Land
- Poultry cages or houses
- Feeders
- Drinkers
- Perches
- Nests
- Crates
- Lighting system
- Waste disposal system
- Incubator
- Heaters or brooders
- Egg tra
How & Where Do I Start Poultry Business in Nigeria?
Now promote your business:
This you can do through :-
- Creating Farm Logo
- Put Your Business On The Web.
- Publicize your poultry by talking to your friends, neighbours, use your social media etc.
- Start attending events related to poultry farming
Get Financial Help:
If you have done all enumerated above, it’s time to look for finance. If you don’t have enough, you now have to look outwards to borrow or attract investors. This fund requirement will be reflected in the business plan you write. The business plan will contain all of our discussion above to prove to Investors that the business is viable.
Fixed Your Management Team:
These must be individuals who re interested and qualified to work in such business setting. Hire professionals if you can afford it. You can in alternative engage professional, especially, Vet medics, on retainership consultancy services.
Thanks for reading through. I urge you to follow these steps in setting up your poultry business today. You can start small or big. But get one thing in place before starting: Complete Full Marks Consultants Limited Poultry Farming Business Plan.
Now, let’s see this.
How & Where Do I Start Poultry Business in Nigeria?
Poultry Farming Bio-Security Tips:
- Obtain day-old chicks from reputable hatchery/source,
- Obtain 2-week/3-week-old chicks from reputable source
- Do not vaccinate sick birds,
- Don’t mix birds of different ages together
- Provide adequate good quality food and water for birds,
- Avoid stressing your birds.
I know you are good to go now. Contact us for your poultry business plan. Phone +234 8034347851 or mail to [email protected]. Meanwhile, try your best to share this post to reach all your contacts.
How & Where Do I Start Poultry Business in Nigeria?

Deacon Anekperechi Nworgu, a seasoned economist who transitioned into a chartered accountant, auditor, tax practitioner, and business consultant, brings with him a wealth of industry expertise spanning over 37 years.