Cocoa Seed Marketing Business Plan Analysis
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Cocoa Seed Marketing Business Plan Analysis is good for cocoa bean/seed export business plan. It’s also good for Cocoa Seed farming, plantation and processing business plans. Other relevant topics include Sample Cocoa Seed Processing Business Plan Template, Cocoa Seed Processing Business Plan in Nigeria and Cocoa Seed Farming and Processing Business Plans. In fact, it’s a continuation of our post on Sample Cocoa Bean Processing & Marketing Business Plan for FREE. Now, get your Cocoa Seed Marketing Business Plan Analysis here.
So, are you planning to start a Cocoa Seed processing and marketing company? And now are you worried as to how to market your product? Then, here is a FREE complete Cocoa Seed marketing business plan for you.
Cocoa Seed Marketing Business Plan Analysis
Therefore, in this post we have considered all the requirements for your Cocoa Seed marketing strategies. As such, we have here a well analysed sample Cocoa Seed processing plant marketing plan. We have included in it various actionable guerrilla marketing ideas for your Cocoa Seed processing businesses.
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Cocoa Seed Marketing Business Plan Analysis – MARKET ANALYSIS
Recently, Cocoa Seed has become one of the most consumed seeds amongst other types in that category. This is attributable to its usage for chocolate production and for other industrial purposes.
Global Consumption:
Globally, cocoa is a popular consumer product. As noted above, it’s an important raw material for production of chocolate. In fact, Cocoa Per capita consumption has been on the increase in Europe for years. For instance, Swiss eat the most chocolate in the world. On average, therefore, the Swiss per capita consumption tends towards 10 kilos per person yearly.
Demand and Supply of Cocoa seed:
Cocoa seed production is majorly in the tropical part of the world. It’s reported that, the weather conditions in West Africa have been favourable for the growth of the cocoa beans. This means that supply remains robust. Even though this has a depressing effect on the price of cocoa.
On the other hand, the International Cocoa Organization (ICCO) expects no shortage this year. In fact, the ICCO estimates the stocks-to-grinding ratio at 38.5% this season. ICCO reports also show that there is less powder on the market which is an incentive for grinders to expand their capacity in order to meet demand.
Chocolate Production:
Cocoa beans re fermented, roasted and ground into powder to achieve a rich-tasting chocolate that contains flavonols. Flavonoids re natural chemicals found in fruits, vegetables, tea, red wine and beer. Cocoa bean products include; Cocoa Powder, Dark Chocolate, Milk Chocolate etc.
Cocoa Seed Marketing Business Plan Analysis – TARGET MARKETS:
Our plan is to make available our processed organic Cocoa Seed to all our customers in our target markets. Our target market is not restricted to a known group of people. This is why we have conducted a market research that will enable us fully determine who re really going to be demanding our products.
The market research by our business consultant, Complete Full Marks Consultants Limited, has enabled us have an idea of the market and what we should be expecting from them. Therefore, according to our research we are in business to cater to the following groups of people;
- Chocolate factories,
- Households
- Confectioneries
- Health and diet enthusiasts
Cocoa Seed Marketing Business Plan Analysis – COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE:
Our intention of starting Cocoa Bean Factory Ltd is to ensure that we build a business that will be amongst the top ten well known processed cocoa bean brand in Nigeria. For this huge mission to be achieve, we have mapped out competitive strategies that will allow us compete favourably against our competitors.
Therefore, we intend to process organic Cocoa Bean. We know that it’s not going to be easy to procure the required quantity at all times, but this is a task that must be done. In this connection, we have therefore set plans in place to ensure we’re able to grow our own cocoa trees. This is to enable us fully achieve our ‘organic’ vision. In fact, our facility is not only well equipped but in fact it’s fitted with standard equipment. Overall, our facility is very conducive and accessible to our employees.
Cocoa Seed Marketing Business Plan Analysis
In pursuance of these, we have made sure that all who work for us come with vast experience. In fact, our management staff re those who are not only highly experienced but understand how to build a business from scratch to becoming a national phenomenon. Furthermore, we have evolved a solid distribution network and an excellent customer service culture that will be of great advantage to our business.
Finally, we’ve great welfare and incentive packages. This is to ensures that our employees re well paid. Again, those who work hard enough get incentives that is intended to boost their attitude.
Cocoa Seed Marketing Business Plan Analysis – SOURCES OF REVENUE
Cocoa Bean Factory Ltd is established with the aim of generating revenue and maximizing profit in the agro processing cum food industry in Nigeria. To be able to achieve this, we re set to do all that we can to ensure that a large percentage of our target market get our products.
Cocoa Bean Factory Ltd will therefore generate income by dealing on the following products and services;
- Marketing of processed organic packaged Cocoa Seed.
- Franchising
- Consultancy & Advisory Services
- Trainings
Cocoa Seed Marketing Business Plan Analysis – SALES FORECAST
Our survey reveals that the use of processed Cocoa seed have spread from various commercial purposes to personal purposes. This actually means there will always be a demand for processed cocoa bean.
Since cocoa seed grow majorly in tropical regions, our location here in Orere, Ogun State, Nigeria, means that we re well positioned to meet the demands of our target market in Nigeria. We will also meet up with those demands for export. This means Cocoa Bean Factory Ltd will not only be generating enough income. We are hopeful that it will also be making enough profit in our first year. Based on this, we are sure that we will certainly break even in our second year.
In fact, our optimism stems from a critical examination of the agro processing industry by our consultants. This survey was to analyse our chances as to how we are likely to fare not only in this industry but from the environment where we re operating from. As a matter of fact, the data used to forecast our sales projection were taken from similar start-ups such as ours here in Orere.
Below re the sales projections for starting Cocoa Bean Factory Ltd based on several assumptions and data gotten from the market;
- First Fiscal Year-: N6,400,000
- Second Fiscal Year-: N7,750,000
- Third Fiscal Year-: N10,500,000
The above sales projections were carried out based on what we obtained from the industry for the stated periods. Additional assumptions to these industry analysis, that there won’t be an economic meltdown in the next three years. In addition, we assumed that there will be no new arrival as competitor within our operating areas.
Cocoa Seed Marketing Business Plan Analysis – MARKETING STRATEGIES:
It’s a fact that marketing is a very important part of start-up businesses. To start with, in this section we have highlighted what our target market would be. Also re the right strategies that will be needed to be applied on these target markets. We are doing this to be able to bring forth our target revenue. We know that revenue generated is what must be used to continue to run the business after the capital must have been exhausted. That makes marketing very paramount to the growth of business.
Consequently, we plan to first conduct a thorough market research to allow us understand our target market and what to expect from them. With these findings we will also be able to draft effective marketing strategies that will allow us have a huge share of the market and also be able to compete favourably against our competitors. In fact, we will also endeavour to look for new target markets. This is to help us gain more grounds and have a large share of the market.
Cocoa Seed Marketing Business Plan Analysis
Based on these, we intend engaging the services of a reputable marketing consultant. The consultant is one who has experience in this industry and environment. By this she will be able to help us draft effective marketing strategies that will allow us stand out in the market place.
I addition, we will also empower the marketing consultant by her working with our marketing team to incorporate our corporate marketing and sales goals. By this we will be able to achieve our goals and objectives. Our marketing and sales team will be making use of marketing technologies and other means in ensuring that our processed cocoa seeds are marketed to our target audience.
Therefore, the marketing and sales strategies that we intend to adopt at Cocoa Bean Factory Ltd in selling and marketing our business are to;
- Introduce our cocoa seed processing business formally- This is targeted at high level and corporate clients, and would benefit all other stakeholders in the industry.
- Throw a special party for declaring our business open to generate interest amongst our target market
- Newspaper and magazine Advertisements in local newspapers.
- Major use of our social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram marketing.
- We will also get enlisted in yellow pages and online directories
- Mouth to mouth in direct marketing to all our clients
Cocoa Seed Marketing Business Plan Analysis – OUR PUBLICITY AND ADVERTISING STRATEGIES:
As a matter of fact, ensuring that a brand has constant and positive awareness is very important. So, publicizing a brand also means advertising the brand to the public to ensure that the target market are aware of the brand. This is to attract more people to patronize the brand by either buying its products or paying for its services. In addition, such publicity also ensures that the image of the brand is positively communicated as well as its corporate values.
Cocoa Bean Marketing Business Plan Analysis:
Consequently, we intend engaging the services of a brand expert who not only understands the business thoroughly but the environment we re operating from. He/she also would proffer what strategies would best be applied that will allow more people to be attracted to us.
In fact, since there could be new or already existing firms, these publicity strategies that would be proffered re those that will allow us compete favourably against such our competitors. The platforms that we intend to use therefore in promoting and advertising Cocoa Bean Factory Ltd are to;
- An interactive website. This is to publicize our Cocoa Bean and other products
- Promotional advertisements on local newspapers and lifestyle magazines, radio and television stations
- Flexi banners at strategic locations in and around our target market areas in Nigeria.
- Placing handbills and fliers in target locations
- Promotions based on our social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
- Participating in local community programs. This is by sponsoring programs that would promote our Cocoa bean processing business
Furthermore, we’ve realised that setting the right price for our cocoa bean is very important. This is especially important as we intend to make profit from our business. This is why it’s important that we identify all the factors necessary to promote this. These will enable us offer fair prices to our customers whilst also not running at a loss as a business. These factors include, our overhead and running costs and our competitors’ offerings. Also important is what the industry determines as fair price without causing a price war.
In addition, in order for us to attract the number of customers that will allow our business to grow as it should, we’ll be offering discounts on our processed cocoa seed for the period of three months.
As a matter of fact, we intend using an all-inclusive payment plans. These re those that will accommodate all our different customers and their diverse preferences. Therefore, we have carefully studied several payment options and come up with the best.
In this wise, some of the payment options we will make available in every of our outlets include;
- Cash payment
- Point of Sale (POS) machine
- Credit Card
- Online payment portal
- Bank draft
We had carried out careful studies on each payment option before adopting them. And, the above payment options re those that’ll be advantageous to both our company and our clients.
Now, as management consultants, we offer series of business support services in respect of business planning, business name, company and NGOs incorporations. Others are goods/services cost analysis and pricing for feasibility analysis. And then, those of generating business ideas for start-ups, and diversification ideas for ongoing business. We’ll structure these in an elaborate business plan that will help you achieve your goals. Contact us on +234 8034347851 or [email protected].
In fact, Complete Full Marks Consultants Limited is a firm of Chartered Accountants, and Business Consultants who is always there to assist you.
Finally, would you help us share this using our social media share buttons to reach your friends? Can you follow us on our Facebook, twitter and LinkedIn handles for your updates? Get your Cocoa Seed Marketing Business Plan Analysis from us now.

Deacon Anekperechi Nworgu, a seasoned economist who transitioned into a chartered accountant, auditor, tax practitioner, and business consultant, brings with him a wealth of industry expertise spanning over 37 years.