Lucrative Business Ideas for Calabar – 20 Principal Business Ideas.
Table of Contents
Lucrative Business Ideas for Calabar Town – 20 Principal Business Ideas, are such businesses ideas you can start with or without money. There are twenty principal business ideas considered here with over a hundred supportive and supplementary businesses inherent. They are hot business ideas in Calabar and in the whole Cross River State. This post answers such questions as – what are the most profitable businesses in Calabar? Or, how can I start my own business with no money? These are also highlights for lucrative businesses in other big cities of Nigeria, like Benin City, Lagos, Port Harcourt, Kaduna, Kano etc. In fact, these re both small and big scale hot business ideas in Nigeria. Click here for other states and towns business ideas.
Lucrative Business Ideas for Calabar – 20 Principal Business Ideas.
As a matter of fact, we have considered here some of the most lucrative business ideas and their start-up requirements for Calabar. In addition, these business ideas are backed up by functional business development services which we offer for start-ups. Therefore, there are attached relevant business legal registrations and licences. Suitable and bankable business plans are also available on demand. In fact, we can also help you develop or expand your business ideas by developing a bankable business concept note for your business. That will give you the scope of your business and a point of direction for it.
Cross River State:
To start with, Cross River State is among the 36 states in Nigeria. Again, it’s located in the Southern part of the country. In fact, it’s one of the states of South South geopolitical zone of Nigeria. In deed, it’s a member of the Niger Delta area of the country. The state was created on 27th May, 1967. Its capital is Calabar, our subject matter in this post.
Furthermore, Cross River state is nicked named “the people’s paradise” Indeed, it’s one of the finest states in Nigeria. Cross River state shares border with the following state; Enugu, Benue, Abia, Akwa Ibom. Internationally it shares border with Cameroun Republic and the Atlantic Ocean. As a costal state, with international boundaries, Cross River State becomes very important economically both locally and internationally.
Lucrative Business Ideas for Calabar – 20 Principal Business Ideas.
Consequently, Cross River state is one of the top destinations for tourism in Nigeria. In it are places like Obudu cattle ranch, Tinapa Business Resort, Rain Forest of Afi, Calabar slave park, Mountain tops of Obanliku, Waterfalls of Agbokim and Kwa, Calabar Marina and Calabar Residency Museum amongst many other interesting tourism sites.
In fact, Cross River state is one of the most beautiful and peaceful states in Nigeria. So, it’s considered a safe haven for foreigners. There is also this annual calabar carnival that holds at Christmas time which attracts people from far and wide, locally and internationally.
Lucrative Business Ideas for Calabar:
As a matter of fact, within these activities are a host of lucrative business ideas which you can tap into and make your money. Twenty principal ones are going to be highlighted serially in this post. Added to these are a host of other supplementary business ideas that are jointly required or are supportive to one another. Just read on.
Do you know that aside from Tourism which is a major source of revenue for the state, Cross River state is also a major oil and gas producing state in Nigeria?
A Coastal town;
As a coastal town, Farming, fishing, Boat making and Basket making are other major occupations of people in the rural area. The ethnic groups in this State are the Efik, the Ogoja and Ugep people. I tell you, these people have a life style that promotes good care giving services. These reflect on the type of profitable businesses in the state. Our next line of action is to now explain these lucrative businesses one after the other. They are profitable business opportunities an entrepreneur can successfully setup in Calabar, Cross River State.
1. Lucrative Business Ideas for Calabar – 20 Principal Business Ideas – Tourism Business:
As indicated above, Travels and Tours is a good business idea for Calabar town. As a matter of fact, tourism industry booms in Cross River state. This is a good opportunity for an investor to setup own Travels and Tours Company. However, for this business you are required to obtain the relevant licenses from both State and Federal government regulatory agencies. With a good website for this type of business, you will attract enough clients locally and internationally.
2. Transport & Haulage Business
Associated with travels and tours business is taxi or car hire business. Airport, Seaport and City town shuttle buses make life comfortable for tourists. So, if you are looking for a business that will make you benefit from the huge numbers of visitors that visits Calabar, you have to start your own Taxi Business. This means, you could own a fleet of cars for shuttles services.
On the other hand, haulage business is required to support all other activities. Such activities like building construction, manufacturing and factory businesses require haulage facilities.
3. Restaurant and Bar Business:
If you understand that Cross River state and its capital city Calabar is a coastal area in the oil rich south south of Nigeria, you will realise that restaurant and bar business is a lucrative business here.
In addition, with Calabar as Nigeria’s former capital city with a lot of monuments, the volume of visitors to this town from time to time increases. To setup a bar and restaurant business here is simple. Simply locate a high traffic area to rent a facility from. From our narratives above, there are many locations where standard restaurants are needed in Calabar, the state capital.
Furthermore, outdoor Catering Service is another one associated with this. What about Barbeque (BBQ) at the town joints.
4. Hotel & Night Clubs:
This is another business that attracts tourists a lot. Accommodation and recreation centres promote tourism. Just think like that.
It’s in deed another lucrative business here. In fact, with a good financial capacity, it will be a wise investment decision to setup your hotel and Night Club in Calabar. Remember, there are a lot of festivities, attractions and business visits that will attract the volume of clients you need all year round. In fact, Calabar has a healthy night life that promote Night club business in the state.
5. Information Technology Business
Here again, you don’t need to be reminded that information is the life hire of tourism. Therefore, any business that promotes information decimation promotes tourism with other related businesses.
So, information technology business is another highly profitable business an entrepreneur can start in Calabar. What is required of you is to open a centre where people can get their IT gadgets and accessories from. Other related IT services like networking of computers thrives along too.
6. Lucrative Business Ideas for Calabar – 20 Principal Business Ideas – Gift Shop
As a matter of fat, Tourists like to make their visits memorable. That is why they pick one gift or the other from the visiting site. Especially cultural and antiquities make the days here.
It will be a good thing if you consider setting up one such shops today. Just fine a location and start.
7. Beauty Salons:
This may be for both male and female. But the point is that whatever gives a tourist a different outlook is a profitable business.
In addition, cultural dressings and designs are in high demand in this town. Do you know how much it cost to decorate a person to look like an Efik persona especially during the festivities?
On the other hand, Fashion Designing or Tailoring goes along with festivities and it’s really a lucrative business here. You can join the league today.
Think of perfumes and deodorants. These are indeed profitable businesses to start in Calabar.
8. Vegetables and Egg Supply Business
Associated with the business of restaurant and bar is the sale of vegetables and other cooking delicacies. Remember that we had stated above that the Calabar people have a luxury eating lifestyle.
Because the entire Cross River State is highly suitable for the cultivation of vegetables, you might not start farming vegetables yourself. So, what you need to do is to look for hotels and restaurants to supply to. You will find out that it’s one of the coolest ways to make cash in Calabar.
9. Printing Press
As a matter of fact, since the discovery of printing facilities in the history of man, printing has help man so much. It took over from the word of mouth all of its responsibilities.
So, think of what this will do in promoting your business or giving information to visiting tourist and in fact government officials.
What I meant is that you will have enough clients that will patronize you here. Of course there re a lot of churches, schools, offices and NGOs who print materials almost every month here.
Please, get a winning printing press business plan from us by clicking here.
10. Lucrative Business Ideas for Calabar – 20 Principal Business Ideas – NGO Business:
On the other hand, what does the nature of Calabar portray to you with a lot of activities going on periodically? I tell you! This city is good for activities of Non-governmental organisations. These are charity organisations that promote healthy, social and communal life.
Therefore, it becomes more lucrative if you get a foreign affiliate. With the visiting tourists, you are sure to make it. Remember that no matter what, people still look for where to worship God from time to time. So, get your church, clubs, town meetings, charity organisations like orphanages registered today. Just put a call across to us today through +234 8034347851 or email [email protected] and we will have your NGO registered for you immediately.

11. Party Facility Rental Business
Furthermore, Party Facility Rental Business is another easy to setup business in Calabar town. These facilities are supplementary to hotel, restaurant, bars and clubs businesses.
Therefore, if you are looking for a business to start in Calabar, we recommend Party Facility Rental Business for you. In fact, with amount of festivities, parties, celebrations that go on in Calabar every weekend you re sure to breakeven in less than six months of your operation.
Again, there is a business plan for this, if you want.
12. Car Wash Business
On this, do you need to be told that the type of high profile individuals that visit Calabar will need to go around with neat cars?
So, Car wash is another thriving business an entrepreneur like you can successfully start in Calabar. It’s not so capital intensive to setup. We will structure both low and high capital car wash plan for you at minimal price. If what you want is a mechanised type, we will plan it for you too.
13. Providing Security:
In addition, setting up a security firm is a profitable venture. If you are a retiree from any section of the armed forces, you can start one today. What you need is to get it registered with CAC which we can do for you and then other operating licences from one government office or the other.
As you can see, there are a lot to do here. This is because both individual and corporate organisations require security. A town like Calabar with influx of visitors, need good security at every point of business operation. Estates, banks, events need to be manned. In addition, bodyguards for wealthy individuals are also required. You will imagine how lucrative this business idea is.
14. Sales of Building Materials:
As a matter of fact, Steel rods, cement, wood and other building materials are needed here. This include other building materials ranging from tiles, WC bowls, roofing sheets, metal doors, re-reinforcements, asbestos among others.
Therefore, when you consider the volume of activities that go on in Calabar town annually, and number of visitors that need accommodation or one form of habitation or the other, you will see that this is a lucrative business.
Incorporate your business name or company and get a business plan from us to start with.
15. Lucrative Business Ideas for Calabar – 20 Principal Business Ideas – Real Estate Business:
Furthermore, real estate accommodations give more security protection. In such a city like Calabar, this offers good accommodation and security to visiting tourists and business men and women.
So, this is why it’s preferred by many. And, then gives you the financial returns you desire.
Therefore, other associated business to estate business include those for land and housing prospects. All over the world, including here Calabar, the business of buying and selling landed and housing properties is a money spinner. It’s a recommend business for those who have the capital.
Partnership real estate;
Furthermore, we know that Real estate investment is capital intensive but you can go into partnership with other investors. You can build low or high-cost accommodation units, student hostels, hotels, shopping malls and event centres.
Please, if you have the fund but confused about the best business to invest in we recommend Estate business with our well-structured Estate business plan.
16. Business Centre:
Furthermore, business centres with internet facilities is needed so much in Calabar town. Consider the level and category of individuals both foreign and local that visit this city from time to time. How can they survive without good information system like internet facilities? Do you know that most businesses are today run online? So, people travel and still run their business from wherever they are.
At any rate, think of people, even students who make millions monthly off the internet business legitimately. Then, talk of prominent bloggers like Abe of practical business ideas and Linda of LindaIkeji as well as big online stores like Konga and Jumia.
So, this is why you must consider having a Cyber Café in Calabar town next time you are planning on where to invest.
17. Small Scale Production Outfit:
In this connection, think of what you can procure locally, process, package and sale. Calabar is an export promotion zone. That means you could venture into any locally produced item, produce and market locally or export.
Furthermore, the production of toothpick, chalk, candle, soap, shampoo, paint, air freshener, bleach, insecticide, and other household items will serve as supportive business activities that would mop up the leftover of the unemployed in the city.
18. Lucrative Business Ideas for Calabar – 20 Principal Business Ideas – Ancillary Services:
Furthrmore, these are supportive services. Such services support the working class, homes and visitors. Baby cares, hospitals, schools (nursery, primary, secondary and tertiary).
In fact, what about residential and industrial cleaning businesses? A clean environment is a healthy environment. This business thrives in Calabar so much that Calabar is named as the cleanest town in Nigeria. You can be part of this by providing this type of support services. Those who live in an elite environment, can start a dry cleaning business. As a matter of fact, there are a lot to do here. Get our post on cleaning business plan for better understanding.
Lucrative Business Ideas for Calabar – 20 Principal Business Ideas
In addition is coaching business. Coaching Business requires special knowledge and ability in a particular field of study. You can become a coach and start a coaching centre today.
Mini Supermarket is needed here and there. In fact, every Estate should have one. If you have an unoccupied room in front of your apartment, you can start from there.
Bakery as confectionary;
Confectionaries are needed to produce bread and other products on daily dietary need in this town. If you have the fund you can open a bakery immediately. But what about being just a distributor for confectioneries?
Another supportive business is a Hobby Centre. This is one of the small-scale business ventures you can start in Nigeria. You can open a hobby centre where you can offer different courses like a ballet dance, music class, drama, making of crafts etc.
Added to this, is skill acquisition centre. Many NGOs are into this business. I have seen others with large computer base test (CBT) centres. Others are for skills like furniture making, tailoring, craft and similar hand-craft activities.
Again, Spare Parts business and mechanic workshops. This is a great support to residents as well as visitors in a city like Calabar.
Fortunately, there is a winning business plan for each business idea here. Contact us for a suitable business plan for any business of your choice. In fact, click here for more information on assorted business plan.
19. Livestock Farming:
In a town like Calabar, livestock farming is floodgate to riches. Poultry farming and fish farming business top the list.
In addition are Piggery, goat farming, rabbit farming, snail farming, cattle farming, and grasscutter farming. These are other areas of lucrative business idea you can invest in.
Get our business plan for any of them.
20. Consultancy Business:
Furthermore, be it for recruitment, accounting, travel agency, civil engineering, or management consulting services, the sky is the limit here. Remember the type of businesses that go on in this town and the type of firms and individuals involved. They require consultancy services all the time. Nationwide, there are currently over five million unemployed youth. Yet, there is this teeming population of new graduates joining them every year. Employment for the few job vacancies become very competitive, such that most companies have resorted to contracting out their recruitment processes.
Lucrative Business Ideas for Calabar – 20 Principal Business Ideas
- Cashew Nut Marketing Business Plan Analysis
- Cashew Nut Processing & Marketing Feasibility Analysis
- Sample Cleaning Service Company business plan
- Cocoa Seed Processing Business Plan
- Cleaning Company Business Marketing Analysis
- Business Ideas for other cities in Nigeria
- Other Cleaning Business Plan
Please note that we offer series of business development and support services. From your business planning challenges, company & NGOs incorporations. to accounting and auditing services In addition are, goods/services cost analysis and pricing for feasibility analysis. Then are others for generating business ideas for start-ups, and diversification ideas for growing businesses. Therefore, for a customised business plan on any of the business ideas generated in this post , with their financial analysis, call us on +234 8034347851 or send email to [email protected]
Secondly, we help organizations write concepts notes and implement their Business Plans. We also train so many on business Plan writing in Nigeria. You can get this online.
Lucrative Business Ideas for Calabar – 20 Principal Business Ideas
Complete Full Marks Consultants Limited (owners of this website) is a firm of chartered accountants, auditors, taxation, and business consultants. We re always there to assist you rule you business. Our over 37-years industry experience counts.
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Deacon Anekperechi Nworgu, a seasoned economist who transitioned into a chartered accountant, auditor, tax practitioner, and business consultant, brings with him a wealth of industry expertise spanning over 37 years.