How to Enjoy Cassava Farming Business in Nigeria –
Table of Contents
How to Enjoy Cassava Farming Business in Nigeria details how to make money from cassava farming in Nigeria. So, it shows, how is cassava farming profitable. Also are list of cassava products in Nigeria. So, if you ever think of getting into cassava farming in Nigeria, this is How to Enjoy Cassava Farming Business in Nigeria.
Furthermore, this defines it’s applicability for cassava plantation, cassava processing, exportation, stocking and distributorship businesses. Added are feasibility study on cassava production, marketing analysis, and other cost and investment returns analysis. Go through this Cassava farming business in Nigeria for a good start.
As a beginner or an existing cassava farmer this is a comprehensive analysis of cassava farming business start-up requirements. As a matter of fact, it’s comprehensive enough to guide you for both cassava plantation, processes, distributorship and export. This is because, you must be sure of the market of your produce before you begin to produce.
How to Enjoy Cassava Farming Business in Nigeria
On the other hand, if you have need to write proposals for government or non-governmental approvals for grants, export council registrations etc., this post is essential for you to deliver. In fact, to be able to compare and overcome competitive challenges, you must stick to this model. However, remember that if the start-up challenges gets so much for you, you can contact us on +234 8034347851
How to Enjoy Cassava Farming Business in Nigeria is research-based. It’s motivated by the fact that cassava processing business is becoming a very lucrative business globally. That shows the importance of farming the crop. Global cassava business is outreaching for Thailand, Indonesia and some countries in West Africa.
What must you do?
Select a Good Site for Farming:
In fact, for Cassava plantation, it’s important you choose an accessible well-drained fertile soil. You may take sample of your farm soil to IITA to help determine whether the soil is suitable for high yield cassava variety or not.
While most arable lands in Southern Nigeria re known to be very fertile for cassava farming, it’s still important to further verify in order to be sure of your investment.
How to Enjoy Cassava Farming Business in Nigeria – Decide On Cassava Varieties:
Choice of cassava variety/specie is good for cassava production. The following varieties are recommended for their high yield and processing quality: TMS 30572, NR 8082, NR8083, TMS 4(2) 1425, TMS 81/00110, TMS 92/0326. More 10 varieties are in the process of being released. Click here to get more research information here.
Land Preparation:
A total herbicide – Round up (a glyphosate) should be applied to the land. Application should be at the rate of 4–5 l/ha 10 days before land preparation. In addition, for cost effectiveness with optimum plant population of your cassava, mechanization and planting on ridges re recommended.
It’s recommended that 5 (50 kg) bags of agricultural lime be applied per hectare during land preparation.

Planting and planting material:
- Cassava planting starts in April and can be extended to October. Again, the quantity of cassava recommended for 1 ha is 60 bundles of cassava stem. In this regard, cassava stem cuttings of 25 cm long should be planted at a spacing of 1 m x 1 m. In addition, it’s good to maintain 100% cassava planting rate by replacing dead or nonviable stems.
- Select Healthy Cassava Stem Cuttings:
Cassava stem cuttings re used to grow cassava crops. Therefore, your selecting healthy stems is crucial to growing rich cassava crops. In Nigeria, you can buy cassava stem cuttings in town markets and villages. So, after your initial purchase of the cassava stem cuttings, you can keep getting healthy cassava stem cuttings from your own farm. Planting healthy stem cuttings is important. For one reason, they’d help you greatly reduce spread of cassava pests and diseases. Therefore, when getting cassava stem cuttings, this is the best guide to follow:
- Find healthy cassava plants.
- Plant the Cassava Rightly.
- Post Planting Exercises:
Start-up & Production Cost:
Just as any other start-up business, a great execution of your cassava farming business can make you a millionaire. You need to understand the perfect costing needs to ensure you’re not going to generate a negative cash flow.
How to Enjoy Cassava Farming Business in Nigeria – Post-planting weed control
Where a total herbicide was not used before land preparation for cassava plantation, it is recommended that a selective pre-emergence herbicide be applied within three days after planting. Five liters of Primextra is recommended per ha.
Types of Fertilizer To Use
The following fertilizers and their rate per ha are recommended
• NPK 15:15:15–12 (50 kg) bags
• NPK 20:10:10–9 (50 kg) bags
• NPK 12:12:17–15 (50 kg) bags
Apply fertilizer @ 8 weeks after planting. Apply fertilizer in a ring, 6 cm wide and 10 cm from the plant or broadcast with care around the cassava plant. Make sure the fertilizer does not touch the cassava stem or leaves.
Marketing Your Produce:
After growing and harvesting your crops, you’d need to ensure maximum returns by selling your harvests to right buyer and at the right price.
Read Also:
- Cassava Mill Processing Business plan
- Palm Oil Business Start-up Analysis
- Cassava Sales & Marketing Plan
- Applied Palm Oil Business Plan Template
- How to Start Cassava Processing Business
- How to Apply for BOI Cassava Grant
- Other Cassava business related topics
Business Plan:
Most commercial cassava plantations require business plan. This business plan will help you articulate the cost and revenue generation of the business. Implements, and other variable inputs need proper accountability. We can do one for you on +234 8034347851 or [email protected].

Deacon Anekperechi Nworgu, a seasoned economist who transitioned into a chartered accountant, auditor, tax practitioner, and business consultant, brings with him a wealth of industry expertise spanning over 37 years.