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SCUML Certification: Why NGOs Now?

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SCUML Certification: Why NGOs Now? SCUML login details – online registration portal. Here are the SCUML certificate requirements for NGOs. Then, is how to follow the procedure to avoid SCUML application rejection. So, this is SCUML Certification: Why NGOs Now?

Are you an NGO? Are you wondering why NGOs are required to obtain SCUML certificate for their financial transactions? And, now, do you required SCUML for your banking operations? As a matter of fact, NGOs are required to obtain SCUML certificate for the purpose of anti money laundering and counter-terrorist financing. Did you get ”Why NGOs Now?” goes forward now to give you more details on how you will go about obtaining your NGO’s SCUML certificates.

Who are the Non-Financial Institutions (DNFIs) – SCUML Certification: Why NGOs Now?

Starting from here, Section 25 of the Money Laundering (Prohibition) Act defines Designated Non-Financial Institutions (DNFIs) as dealers in;

  • Jewelry,
  • Cars and Luxury Goods,
  • Precious Stones and Metals,
  • Real Estate, Estate Developers, Estate Surveyors and Valuers,
  • Estate Agents,
  • Chartered Accountants, Audit Firms, Tax Consultants,
  • Clearing and Settlement Companies,
  • Hotels, Casinos and Supermarkets,
  • Dealers in Mechanized Farming Equipment and Machinery,
  • Practitioners of Mechanized Farming,
  • Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)
  • Or such other businesses as the Federal Ministry of Trade and Investment or appropriate regulatory authorities may from time to time designate.
  • Subsequently, money lending firms and few other businesses have been added to the category.

You can see that the NGOs are specifically mentioned here. So, get your SCUML to enable you carry out your financial transactions. In fact, the cumulative amount of agreed-upon grants should be reported as soon as the agreement for the funding is concluded.

SCUML Certification: Why NGOs Now?

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How do I register to process my SCUML certificate?

SCUML registration is done online. So, what you have to do is simply logon to the SCUML website, and complete the online registration form. And, you must attach all the required documents specified for your type of institution.

However, we have here the general requirements for SCUML registration for different categories of DNFIs:

Business Name:

Please scan and upload the clean copies of the following.

  • Certificate of Incorporation,
  • C.A.C. Proprietor’s Particulars; that is BN FORM 01,
  • Evidence of tax registration (TIN letter) and
  • Professional certificate where applicable.
  • BVN, Bank Name, and Account Number ( where the business account exist otherwise enter your personal details)


Again, here, the clean copies of the following must be attached.

  • Certificate of Incorporation
  • Memorandum and Articles of Association
  • Evidence of tax registration (Tax Identification Number (TIN)
  • BVN, Bank Name, and Account Number – Where the business account is not in existence yet, please enter the director details.

Incorporated Trustee/NGO:

This section is devoted to the NGOs. So, do not get confused. NGOs are the same. However there are certain differences due to the mode of operations. Therefore, check out your relevant NGO here.

Trust/NGO – SCUML Certification: Why NGOs Now?

Please, get the following ready before applying.

  • C.A.C. Certificate of Incorporation/Registration
  • Incorporation of Trustees or CAC7 and CAC 2
  • Identification of Trustees – valid ID for each
  • Constitution/Memorandum & Articles of Association
  • Tax Identification Number (TIN) or Tax Exemption
  • Particulars of Settlors
  • Particulars of Protector (if any)
  • For international NGOs – Copy of Cooperation Agreement
  • Trust Deed Agreement
  • BVN, Bank Name, and Account Number

SCUML Certification: Why NGOs Now?

Religious Organization

  • Certificate of Incorporation/Registration
  • Incorporation of Trustees
  • Trustee IDs – valid means of identification
  • Constitution
  • Bank details were in existence – SCUML Certification: Why NGOs Now?

Association /Clubs/Societies

  • Certificate of Incorporation/Registration
  • Copy of Constitution/Bye-Laws etc.
  • Particulars of the trustees
  • Reliable means of Identification of at least two of the trustees
  • Tax Identification Number (TIN) or Tax Exemption
  • BVN, Bank Name, and Account Number

If you’re done here. There are these two questions for you.

SCUML Certification: Why NGOs Now?

Two important questions for NGOs?

1. Since your grants/donations re released in amounts that do not meet the reporting threshold most often, do you have the obligation to report the cumulative amount of the grant?

The answer is Yes. The cumulative amount of the grant should be reported. This is as soon as the agreement for the funding is concluded. Afterward, every released fund from the grant agreement. All that meet currency transaction reporting or cash transaction reporting threshold. These should be reported with reference to the first report.

2. NGOs have obligations to report to the National Planning Commission; do we still have to report to SCUML?

The answer again is Yes. This must be done. It’s for the purpose of anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist financing.

SCUML Certification: Why NGOs Now?

Related Topics – a must-read Offerings: SCUML Certification: Why NGOs Now?

  1. A bankable Business Plan for all scope of operation
  2. Train and apply for CBN/BOI/ NIRSAL MFB AGSMEIS and other loan facilities
  3. Register your business appropriately with C.A.C.
  4. Make incorporation changes for you @ C.A.C. – change of MEMART, Director, Shareholding etc.
  5. Render annual returns for you @ C.A.C. and obtain other certifications/reports for you
  6. Apply and obtain SCUML certificate for your banking purposes
  7. Apply and obtain contract bidding compliance certificates for you – PENCOMNSITFITFBPP IRR, Tax Clearance certificate
  8. Auditing Services and Tax management services
  9. Apply and obtain regulatory certificates – Import/Export licenses, NCC licenses, NAFDAC certificates etc.
  10. And other consultancy services.

Relevant Questions Why NGOs Now?

  • Why is your SCUML Application Rejected Now?
  • How many times have you applied and failed?
  • Do you have the required documents for the application?
  • Do you require a consultant to help out?

Summing Up on SCUML Certification: Why NGOs Now?

In conclusion, did you get the solutions to those questions above? Which one is a challenge? And, do you need to contact us for it? So, you may do that now on +234 8034347851 or 09053130518 (Office) or

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Deacon Anekperechi Nworgu, a seasoned economist who transitioned into a chartered accountant, auditor, tax practitioner, and business consultant, brings with him a wealth of industry expertise spanning over 37 years.

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