Modern Fish Farming Business Plan Template Updated
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Modern Fish Farming Business Plan Template Updated – This is the updated version of our fish farming business plan. It’s an all purpose fish farming business plan template that takes care of your fish farming proposals for commercial fishing business funding. The scope of this post extents to fish farming, processing and marketing in Nigeria. In addition are, how to start a fish farming business in Nigeria with our professional farming business plan with financial analysis. Therefore, get the modern fish farming business plan template updated here.
Modern Fish Farming Business Plan Template Updated
Demand for fish protein is in the increase globally. Therefore, fish farming becomes very lucrative and capable of making you a millionaire in Nigeria soon. Fish farming involves raising fish commercially in tanks, ponds etc. for food. If you are interested in this business, this post answers questions like; what is fish farming about? What are the types of fish farming? And, how to start fish farming?
We have here a modern fish farming business plan template which you can adapt to suite your farm. On the other hand, you can contact us for a customised fish farm business plan for your particular fish farm.
Modern Fish Farming Business Plan Template Updated – The Executive Summary:
Point And Kill Fishing Farm is a registered fish farm situated in Angwan Mada Orozo, FCT Abuja, Nigeria. It has every legal registration to carry on this business. To start with, this business plan is a three year business plan and business projection for Point And Kill Fishing Farm. The scope of the farm business covers the Nursery Fish farming and the Grow Out Fish Farming as different segments of the farm. This leads to the final stage of harvesting and marketing of finfish. Such include catfish, trout, tilapia and minnows. The nursery farm segment will Hatch and raise fries, fingerlings and juveniles. These will be transferred to the grow out farm segment for raising of matured fish for sale. The fries, fingerlings and juveniles will also be sold to other farmers.
This business plan is a start-up business plan with two objectives. The first is to chart the course of our operation and make financial projections for the business in the next three years. While, the second objective is to seek for investors especially to apply for loan from Bank of Industry (BOI).
Modern Fish Farming Business Plan Template Updated
The feasibility studies to this business plan is carried out on our behalf by a firm of Chartered Accountants and Management Consultants, Complete Full Marks Consultants Limited. They also supervised the writing of the business plan.
The business plan shows that this business will be generating a net income of N2, 750,000.00 in the first year. The second and the third year will yield a net income of N4, 250,000.00 and N6, 540,000.00 respectively.
The research variables show that this income stream will be maintained over the next three years. Point And Kill Fishing Farm is optimistic that this business will expand its operations by doubling the fish ponds and other production inputs after the third year of operation. This expansion plan will be the subject of our next business plan.
Modern Fish Farming Business Plan Template Updated – Our Products:
Our products are going to be various. Our farm will be producing in large quantities various types of fish – Catfish, Tilapia, Salmon and Tuna fish will be produced. The Nursery Fish farm segment will be hatching fliers, fingerlings and juveniles. These will also be sold to other neighbouring fish farmers.

We have in plan to also stock for use and sale Fish farming supplies such as fish feed and medical accessories, fish farming tools and equipment. In addition, we will be rendering Consultancy Services to existing and on-coming fish farmers. We plan to key into the current federal government of Nigeria’s young entrepreneur’s empowerment training and mentorship programmes.
Modern Fish Farming Business Plan Template Updated – Financial Projections:
Our start-up capital costs which include expenses for the land lease and for equipment is estimated at N2,000,000.00. Again, our personnel cost to cover our initial 5 staff is estimated to cost N100,000.00 per month. And then, our working capital projection is at N500,000.00. This is expected to cover the feed, medicals, and logistics for the first 6 months when the farm will start harvesting matured fish and make sales. Our farm registration, business plan costs, etc. are also expected to cost N120,000.00. This brings our initial projected capital to N2,720,000.00.
In summary,
Our start up fixed capital expenditure include those for; Water Tank Pump, Borehole, 6 Water Tanks and Sterilization Equipment. Others are, power Generator, Water Temperature Adjuster, Automatic/manual Feeders, and hatchery incubator. And then, others are cleaning and operation materials.
Modern Fish Farming Business Plan Template Updated
The owner of this farm is to provide 60% of this start-up cost, while 20% will be financed by an investor. The remaining 20% is expected from Bank of Industry of Nigeria based on their Cottage Industry Loan support programme.
We expect to achieve our ultimate sales goal. This is by the first few months batch of our hatchery and matured fish harvest. The farm strategy is to have in place stock of grow out fish in several tanks that will make a batch available for sale each month. With that, we expect a high level of profitability from this venture due to high margins and inventory turnover inherent to the business.
Modern Fish Farming Business Plan Template Updated – Our Objectives:
Point And Kill Fishing Farm most important objectives are:
1. To establish a large, reliable fish farm.
2. A turnover of N500,000.00 per month.
3. Maintain a high inventory turnover ratio.
4. Become a one-stop- shop for other fish farmers around, and
5. To be the largest supplier of fish in Nyanya-Orozo- Karshi Axis of FCT Abuja.
Modern Fish Farming Business Plan Template Updated – Our Mission Statement:
To enable economic growth through large market size, and thereby provide solutions to fish need of the neighbouring communities that support and protect their wellbeing through employment and income generation.
Modern Fish Farming Business Plan Template Updated – Keys to Success:
Our success is so designed to anchor on our ability to:-
1. Efficiently breed several species of tropical edible fish.
2. Quickly and reliable delivery service to customers.
3. Readily available fish at all time
Others are:
1. Develop a strong reputation within the fish farming community.
2. Ensure that all large fish demand end at our farm.
3. Organising of mentorship seminar from time to time.
Modern Fish Farming Business Plan Template Updated – Company Profile:
Mrs. DC Nworgu, who is the Chief executive officer of the farm will head the management team. In addition, to be able to achieve our desired goals, we have decided to hire qualified and competent hands to occupy the following positions;
- Chief Operating Officer
- Accountant / Admin Manager
- Sales and Marketing Executive
- 2 Field Employees
Modern Fish Farming Business Plan Template Updated – Competitive Advantage:
Our competitive advantage in this business is anchored on the following:
- Our Ability to stock all manner of fish
- The installation of modern hatchery equipment,
- Our ability to handle fish farming tools efficiently without causing damage to our stock,
- Our ability to cover wide range of customers demand all at the same time,
- The ability to deliver quick and timely stock to clients,
- Application of equal opportunity to all customers
Modern Fish Farming Business Plan Template Updated – MARKETING STRTEGIES:
Our marketing strategies re those aimed at promoting our business. They are also those that ensure that we remain relevant in the market. And then be able to meet up with the projections of this business plan. To this effect, we have in place the following marketing strategies:
- The use of roll up Berners at our farm locations,
- Use of our social media platforms to promote our business,
- Attendance of all government organised fish farm forums,
- The organisation of Mentorship workshops,
- The placement of our business fliers in strategic public place, hotels and eateries,
- The use of our business branded cars only,
- Staff use of our branded T-shirt while on public activities.

Modern Fish Farming Business Plan Template Updated – The concluding Part:
The concluding part of this business plan is ready on request. Order yours today from [email protected] or call + 234 8034347851.
Consequently, you need the:
- Management Team and Their Profile,
- Industry Overview,
- Market Overview,
- SWOT Analysis,
- Financial Plan – Sources of fund, and how to generate more from the processes activities.
- Your Financial Analysis – Projected Income Statements, Balance Sheet and Fund Flow Statement.
- Breakeven Analysis
- Accounting Ratios Generated,
- And others.
Read Also, these management planning topics:
- Existing Company Business Plan Format
- Sample Business Plan: looking for an Investor
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- Interior Decoration Business Plan Market & Sales Analysis
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- Interior Decoration Business Plan Simplified
- Modern Fish Farming Business Plan Template Updated
- Skills Required for Event Management
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Modern Fish Farming Business Plan Template Updated – What You Must Do Now:
As a matter of fact, what we have here may not tell all of your farm stories. You may need your farm story to be different. Yes! You are correct. We do customised business plan for each farm or organisation. Such business plan tells the exact organisational stories that suite the organisation.

Call us or email us to arrange on such suitable business plan for your organisation’s Modern Fish Farming Business Plan Template Updated
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Deacon Anekperechi Nworgu, a seasoned economist who transitioned into a chartered accountant, auditor, tax practitioner, and business consultant, brings with him a wealth of industry expertise spanning over 37 years.